Team:DTU-Denmark/Notebook/3 September 2013


3 September 2013

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Lab 208

Main purpose

  • Biobrick construction ā†’ CycAX and AMO plasmid isolation.

Who was in the lab

Kristian, Julia


Midiprep CycAX col.2, AMO col.2

We want a high yield purification. 100mL of ON cultures were pelleted. The protocol provided by QIAGEN Plasmid Kit was followed.

Colony PCR to confirm HAO insert

Used Q5 master mix and made only 25uL reaction volume because there was not enough Q5 mix left to make 50uL.

compound volume (uL)
Q5 12,5
FW 1,5
RV 1,5
template 1
MQ 8,5

Made doubles for two different primer pairs:

  • FW_1_HAO_Seq, RF_2_HAO_Seq - 61C - expected fragment length: 742bp
  • FW_3_HAO_Seq, RV_3_HAO_Seq - 65C - expected fragment length: 743bp


temperature time cycles
98C 10:00 -
98C 0:10 35
annealing temperature 0:30 35
72C 0:30 35
72C 5:00 -
10C hold -

PCR for HAO with USER endings

primers: 18a, 18b

template: HAO extraction PCR fragment

Made following reaction mix as master mix for 9 reactions:

compound volume (uL)
dNTPs 1
HF buffer 10
X7 polymerase 0.5
MQ 28
FW 3
RV 3

All tubes apart from the negative control contained 1uL template.


sample # 1 2 3 4
MQ 3,5 2,0 1,0 1,0
DMSO - 1,5 2,5 1,5
MgCl2 - - - 1


98C 2:00
98C 0:10
annealing 1:00 or the duration of the ramp
72C 3:00
72C 5:00
10C hold

Ran PCR on two different programs, one touchdown (-0.5C per cycle for 14 cycles, 63Cā†’55C, then 20 additional cycles on 55C) and one ramp (63Cā†’55CC with 0.1C/sec in 35 cycles).

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