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Team Valencia Biocampus - WormBoys
July 26, 2013
Team Valencia Biocampus - WormBoys

Team Valencia Biocampus explains their project in this animated video!

Team York UK - Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology
July 23, 2013
Team York UK - Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology

Check out the video that Team York UK made about their project: " Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology"!

Team NTNU-Trondheim - Matchmaker website
July 17, 2013
Team NTNU-Trondheim 2013 - Matchmaker website

Team NTNU-Trondheim has updated their Matchmaker program for 2013! Says the team: "The iGEM Matchmaker [website] makes it possible for teams to share their strengths and what they would like help with, making it easy to get in touch with other teams."