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<p class="intro">What does Adlucent do? Our marketing department would say we “use paid search marketing to maximize profitable revenue growth for online retailers.”</p>
<p>But what we really like to do is shake up industries with non-traditional thinking and abundant creativity to solve difficult problems. Every day at Adlucent we’re dreaming up, creating or testing something new.</p>
<p>We definitely love collaborating to build and use innovative software to over-perform for our clients. But we thrive most from building a close and collaborative family of talented, motivated and entrepreneurial intellectuals with a passion to be the best… </p>
<p>That’s where you come in.</p>
<p><a href="#austin" class="next-page">Tell me more...</a></p>
<div class="footnote"><p>* Unless, of course, this is your thing.</p></div>
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<h1>What if work <span>didn’t feel like work?</span></h1>
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<p class="intro">We love Adlucent like we love Austin; it’s a unique, diverse and rapidly growing community we call home. And it gets better every day.</p>
<p>We also love what we do. Paid search marketing is fast-paced, highly measurable and rapidly evolving, especially compared to traditional advertising. Honestly, it’s fun and maybe even addictive (in a good way).</p>
<p>We’re looking for bright and motivated individuals to use our proprietary software to create, analyze, and optimize paid search campaigns to address the needs of the dynamic and growing Internet retail market. </p>
<p><a href="#careers" class="next-page">I like the sound of that!</a></p>
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<h1>What if instead of a job <span>you found a career?</span></h1>
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                <span style="display: none;" class="bottom"><strong>We are USTC_CHINA.Welcome to our lab!</strong><br>
<p class="intro">At Adlucent, you’ll become an expert in search engine marketing and use our leading edge technology &amp; processes that are beginning to catch the e-commerce world by storm.</p>
<p>With this power you’ll help world class Internet retailers like our clients, Adorama, and Oriental Trading Company connect with more customers and reach unthinkable levels of performance.</p>
<p>Because of our fast growth and focus on education, there is abundant opportunity (with dedication and hard work) to advance quickly within the organization and earn great responsibility.</p>
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<p><a href="#the-icing" class="next-page">What else?</a></p>
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                <span style="display: none;" class="bottom"><strong>Our pipettes</strong><br>
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<div id="content1p">Project Description</div>
<h1>You want more? <span>Here’s the icing</span></h1>
<div id="content2p"><p>Based on the fundamental principles and technology of synthetic biology, our team aims at designing a new immune system containing transdermal peptide that expresses genes and produces immune responses simultaneously. To reach this goal, we need to build four kinds of engineered bacteria and find out effective immune responses. Meanwhile, an appropriate reporting system guiding vaccination at different stages is also required to meet the demand of practical, safe and human-friendly production. The Bacillus subtilis we use is WB800N, which is modified into four types of engineered bacteria, combined with the gene coding LTB, HBsAg, reporter, and LC Luman-recruiting factor respectively, each of which contains the gene coding transdermal peptide. Then, the engineered bacteria will produce mixture of fusion protein in the skin and activate immune responses.</p>
<p> The introducing of transdermal peptide, together with the simultaneous immune response with protein expression, has granted our work great advantages over other existing immune system, both in economy and operation. Therefore it is expected to become a promising new vaccine research field.</P>
<div class="content">
<p> So far, we have successfully synthesize four kinds of plasmids, and the sequences of them all have been proved correct. Additionally, we have managed to transform three plasmids from E. coli to Bacillus subtilis, leaving GFP in progress. </p>
<p>We take pride in our culture and work hard to make Adlucent <em class="tip" title="">a great place to work</em>. We’ve done our research and know that happy employees make for productive and successful companies. That’s why we focus on providing the autonomy, connectedness and meaning that individuals need to find happiness at work (in addition to great benefits, award-winning office space and unique perks).</p>
  <p> For the coming days, we plan to continue our transformation and experiment on the mice to check the effects of our vaccine, whereas other tasks, such as human practice and the standardization of our parts, are in our future schedule.</p></div>
<h2>Benefits + Perks</h2>
<li>Relaxed, open and cubicle-free work environment</li>
<li>Liberal work hours and casual dress code</li>
<li>Comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and life insurance</li>
<li>In addition to two weeks of paid vacation and one week of paid sick time, you’ll get one week paid time for philanthropy</li>
<li>Two company holidays for SXSW, one for ACL and one for your birthday</li>
<li>Snacks, drinks, happy hours and celebrations</li>
<p><a href="#good-fit" class="next-page">Yes, please! Now what?</a></p>
<!-- <div class="footnote"><p>Photo by Cristen Rene Andrews</p></div> -->
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<h1><span class="your_name">You</span> + Adlucent <span>Are we a good fit?</span></h1>
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<p class="intro">Because of our unique niche and the novelty of our industry, we don’t expect a ton of experience from our newest Client Services recruits (but it’s always a plus, so please let us know if you do).</p>
<p>Instead, we’d prefer that you possess the skills, accomplishments and qualities that make rock-star search marketers and great additions to the Adlucent family.</p>
<p>There are two introductory tracks at Adlucent with various levels of employment in each (and plenty of room for career growth).</p>
<p><a href="#openings" class="next-page">I want to join!</a></p>
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        <p align="center">School of Life Sciences, USTC</p>
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Latest revision as of 12:15, 15 August 2013


Project Description

Based on the fundamental principles and technology of synthetic biology, our team aims at designing a new immune system containing transdermal peptide that expresses genes and produces immune responses simultaneously. To reach this goal, we need to build four kinds of engineered bacteria and find out effective immune responses. Meanwhile, an appropriate reporting system guiding vaccination at different stages is also required to meet the demand of practical, safe and human-friendly production. The Bacillus subtilis we use is WB800N, which is modified into four types of engineered bacteria, combined with the gene coding LTB, HBsAg, reporter, and LC Luman-recruiting factor respectively, each of which contains the gene coding transdermal peptide. Then, the engineered bacteria will produce mixture of fusion protein in the skin and activate immune responses.

The introducing of transdermal peptide, together with the simultaneous immune response with protein expression, has granted our work great advantages over other existing immune system, both in economy and operation. Therefore it is expected to become a promising new vaccine research field.

So far, we have successfully synthesize four kinds of plasmids, and the sequences of them all have been proved correct. Additionally, we have managed to transform three plasmids from E. coli to Bacillus subtilis, leaving GFP in progress.

For the coming days, we plan to continue our transformation and experiment on the mice to check the effects of our vaccine, whereas other tasks, such as human practice and the standardization of our parts, are in our future schedule.
