Team:USTC CHINA/timeline


Revision as of 08:59, 20 September 2013 by Ustczyw (Talk | contribs)

igem timeline

igem timeline

A 3D version of our history of the Tower of London timeline.

You can view our original 2d Tower of London timeline [here](;xNLx;;xNLx;The information for this timeline has primarily been drawn from [Wikipedia]( and the [Historic Royal Palaces]( websites.;xNLx;;xNLx;

Henry VI (2nd reign)

Enter story info here

Henry VIII

Enter story info here

We start dicussing the topic

It's really a hard process.We spent much time searching in the database.

The IGEM Team Founded

We joined the igem team for the passion and curiosity

We start to discuss the possibility.

We start to discuss the possibility.

The IGEM Training

We learned some basic biology knowledge and did some basic expriment.

Lab work

we start to do the lab work


The nephew of Henry I, Stephen ruled over England during a period of civil war known as the Anarchy. Peace was finally achieved when he decided to name Henry II as his successor.

Henry II

Henry II's reign was long and eventful, especially given that he ruled over not just England but much of western France. His early reign was defined by restoring lands and government damaged during the Anarchy. His marriage to Eleanor of Aquitane produced five sons and three daughters, which led to problems in his later reign. Several of his sons and his wife revolted against Henry starting in 1172, but Henry prevailed and defeated them by 1175. Two of his five sons eventually ruled England.

Planning wiki

We start to plan the wiki.