
From 2013.igem.org

Revision as of 15:52, 22 August 2014 by D.olivera1320 (Talk | contribs)

/** * Slimslider v1.1.0 * @author Kyle Foster * MIT license */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.slimSlider = function ( options ) { options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.slimSlider.options, options ); return this.each(function () { // Define our variables var counter = 0, element = $(this), wrapper = element.children('.slides'), slide = wrapper.children('li'), slideCnt = slide.length, navLink = element.find('.slide-nav').find('li').find('a'), prefix = (/mozilla/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && !/webkit/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) ? '-moz-' : (/webkit/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) ? '-webkit-' : (/msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) ? '-ms-' : (/opera/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) ? '-o-' : ''; // Add active class to first nav link navLink.first().addClass('active'); // Auto play function (if selected options) if ( options.autoPlay === true ) { // Define slideshow variable var slideShow; // Define play function function play() { // Don't execute after click function if ( !wrapper.is('.stopped') ) { // Slideshow function slideShow = setTimeout(function() { // Slideshow iterator if (counter < slideCnt - 1) { counter++; } else { counter = 0; }; // Stop browser 'catch up' when switching tabs wrapper.stop(true,true); // Fire animation function animate(); // Loop our slideshow play(); }, options.autoDelay ); }; }; // Instantiate our play function play(); // Define our pause function function pause() { clearTimeout(slideShow); }; // Pause on hover (if selected) if ( options.hoverPause === true ) { wrapper.on({ mouseenter: function() { pause(); }, mouseleave: function() { play(); } }); }; }; // Navigation click function navLink.on('click', function(e) { // Stop auto play (if instantiated) pause(); // Add a class to keep animation stopped wrapper.addClass('stopped'); // Set counter to new slide position counter = $(this).parent().index(); // Fire animation function animate(); // Prevent default click action e.preventDefault(); }); // Define our animation function function animate() { // Iterate through our navigation links navLink.each(function() { // Cache 'this' var currentLink = $(this); // Move to counter's position if ( counter === currentLink.parent().index() ) { navLink.removeClass('active'); // Clear 'active' class currentLink.addClass('active'); // And add to selected link } }); // Animation wrapper .css( prefix + 'transition' , prefix + 'transform ' + options.animSpeed ) // Apply transition .css( prefix + 'transform' , 'translate(-' + counter * element.width() + 'px, 0)' ) // Animate .bind('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { wrapper.css( prefix + 'transition' , 'none' ); // Kill transition once animation completes }); }; // Define debulked onresize handler function on_resize(c, t) { onresize = function() { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(c, 100) }; return c }; // Instantiate resize function on_resize(function() { // Cache our slider width var newWidth = element.width(); // Set wrapper width & reposition wrapper .css({ 'width' : newWidth * slideCnt }) .css( prefix + 'transform' , 'translate(-' + counter * newWidth + 'px, 0)' ); // Set slide width slide.css({ 'width' : newWidth }); })(); }); }; // Overridable default options $.fn.slimSlider.options = { animSpeed : '0.5s', // animation speed autoPlay : true, // auto play option autoDelay : 4000, // auto play duration hoverPause : true // auto play pause on hover }; })( jQuery, window, document ); // Instantiate Slimslider $('.slider').slimSlider(); ' Wheeltz - CSS3 Navigational Wheel Menu

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