Team:Paris Bettencourt/Notebook/Phage Sensor/Monday 12th August.html


Phage Sensor

Monday 12th August

Glycerol Stock, Miniprep, M13 plate test, Patches

Glycerol Stock sSP018 - NEB with E1010
Take 1.5ml of ON culture + 500ul Glycerol (60%)
Freeze at -80°C


1) Pellet 2x 2ml of liquid culture (4000rpm, 10 min)
2) Discard supernatant
3) resuspend the cells in 250ul of resuspension olution
4) add 250ul of lysis solution, mix by inverting 4-6 times
5) add 350ul of neutralization solution
4) centrifuge for 5 min
5) transfer supernatant to spin column
6) centrifuge for 1 min
7) discard flow through
8) add 500 ul wash solution and centrifuge for 1 min , discard flow through(repeat this step)
9) centrifuge for 1 min to remove left over liquid
10) transfer the column on a 1.5ml tube
11) add 50ul of elution buffer and incubate for 2 min
12) centrifuge for 2 min
13) Nanodrop the concentration and freeze at -20°

J04450: ng/ul
E1010: ng/ul

M13 plate test
1) 100 μ l of plating bacteria per tube
2) Prepare tenfold serial dilutions (10-6 to 10-9 ) of the bacteriophage stock in LB
3) Put 10 μ l/ 100 μ l of each dilution to the bacteria
4) Mix the bacteriophage particles with the bacterial culture by vortexing gently.
5) Add 40 μ l of X-gal solution (working conc) and IPTG (working conc) solution to each of the tubes
6) Add 3ml of Agar to each tube and gently vortexing for 3 seconds
7) Pour the mixture onto plates containing LB medium supplemented with 5 mM MgCl2
8) Swirl the plate gently to ensure an even distribution of bacteria and agar.
9) Incubate them at 37°C.

check them and prepare new ones of those that haven’t been done yet