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You are provided with this team page template with which to start the iGEM season.  You may choose to personalize it to fit your team but keep the same "look." Or you may choose to take your team wiki to a different level and design your own wiki.  You can find some examples <a href="">HERE</a>.
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|You can write a background of your team here.  Give us a background of your team, the members, etc.  Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
|[[Image:HUST-China_team.png|right|frame|Your team picture]]
|align="center"|[[Team:HUST-China | Team HUST-China]]
<!--- The Mission, Experiments --->
{| style="color:#1b2c8a;background-color:#0c6;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="1" bordercolor="#fff" width="62%" align="center"
!align="center"|[ Official Team Profile]
!align="center"|[[Team:HUST-China/Parts|Parts Submitted to the Registry]]
== '''Who we are''' ==
{|border = "0"
*''' Advisor 1''':    Mentor for all
*'''Advisor 2''':      Our favorite
*'''Grad Student 1''':    Our leader 
*'''Student 1''':    Sleepyhead
*'''Student 2''':    Math nerd
*'''Student 3''':    Is going to save the world
*'''Student 4''':    Loves iGEM
*'''Student 5''':  A normal student... or(r) am I?
*'''Student 6''':  Table football fan
*'''Student 7''':
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<div id="Student-Members">
            <h1 class="page-header"><strong>Student Members</strong></h1>
            <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zengjianhao.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Jianghao Zeng</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am going to be a graduate in biotechnology. In this team, I guaranteed that the project would progress to schedule. As leader,I have always been serving as an encourager and a time keeper.I tried to set an atmosphere of relaxing and joyful.I believe "when going gets tough,tough gets going." Love life,love life science!</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/lichen.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Chen Li</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a Biomedical Engineering student. My area of specialization is signal processing.I am also an amateur coder, mainly using C++, Python, PHP in daily work, but also be capable of using Matlab, R, regex, LaTeX and many other languages/tools.I love watching sarcastic comics and anime in my spare time such as XKCD, futurama. Also, I am fascinated with Sci-Fi movies like the Matrix Trilogy. I am a huge fan of metal music and classical music.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/jinyong.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Yong Jin</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>My name is Jin Yong and now I major biotechnology in the Life School of Huazhong University of Sci & Tec.I have taken part in the research on biodiesel and I presided over separation and purification of manganese peroxidase.My interest in biology lies in the stem cell.During my leisure time, I enjoy reading novels and play table tennis.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zoule.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Le Zou</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am an under-graduate student majoring biochemistry and molecular biology.I want to do some resesrches on mechanism of disease or stem cell after graduation.I like sports especially basketball.My favorite basketball star is </p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/liuchunjie.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Chunjie Liu</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a senior member in iGEM_HUST2013 ,I am  specialized in bioinfomatics.In the team ,reading paper  and interpretinting biological process into programmable manner take lots of my time .i am interested in  biostatistics and personalized medicine</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/xiaoxiao.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Xiao Xiao</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I was a senior student in biotechnology when I became a member of iGEMers. In the team, I am responsible for the evaluation of the propionate production. Later I did some works in collection and collation of web text.I like writing some creative stuff for fun.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zhanghuoru.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Huoru Zhang</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a senior student in bioscience. I am a member of the group responsible for experiment operation.With a strong feeling for synthetic biology, I started my journey as an iGEMer this year.Being the more suffer-in-silence type, I believe in the spirit of working in earnest.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zhangsiqi.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Siqi Zhang</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am going into my 4th year of bioscience in HUST.My interests include sketch,pipa and hiking. I am one of our experiment members in the team.I believe in the saying that our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.So when there is something wrong, just get it right.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/songshuangyang.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Shuangyang Song</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I have been studying bio-informatics in HUST for three years.I participated the IEGM in 2012 and I took the modeling work.While I am very intrested in the Internet and the web-tech such as Javascript, PHP, C#, CSS3 and HTML5, so I am responsible for the inplement of wiki page to fully show the work of our team.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zengxue.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Xue Zeng</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I'm entering my junior year at HUST in bioscience and this is my second year to be an iGEMer.In the team, I am in charge of constructing vectors used in our oscillator. It's really a great and unforgettable experience to be in such an amazing team and fight together with so many amazing people.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/yanan.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>An Yan</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a junior student of Life School.I mainly participated in some wet lab work of this project.I really enjoyed the time when we discussed and conducted the experiments together.iGEM competition benefits me a lot,for it brings me to the world of synthetic biology where I meet some friend with kindred spirits.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/caiwang.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Wang Cai</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a junior in biotechnology.My duty in the team was standrazation of four genes.During the process of experiment, I raised the ability to solve problems. And I always keep optimistic attitude no matter what happens .I cherish my time as an iGEMer,and also enjoy the time we work together.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/wangyuanxin.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Yuanxin Wang</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I'm a junior in bio-pharmceutics. In the team, most of my work is to build the DDE to stimulate the process of the oscillator.It may sounds a little unusual that I'm a member of software which has nothing to do with my major.But I love mathematical modeling and programming.Applying my knowledge to solve the practical problem really gives me the sense of fullfillment.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zhangwanyi.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Wangyi Zhang</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I was a senior in school of economics, and it’s my first time as an iGEMer. In the team, I am responsible for the art design including the web, poster, team uniform and something else. When I designed the team logo,I have wavered over whether to take advise from my teammates orto insist my own opinion. I'm not good at making a decision but I will try to get more experience and patience in the team work.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/liuyulu.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Yulu Liu</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a sophomore in bio-information technology.I do not know where I should go in life science at present.But I'd like to have a try in what fascinate me.That's why I became an iGEMer.As a freshman in the team,I am a determined girl with a head of questions to ask.I have a gift for fluting and painting.Sometimes I prefer to learn some classical literature and music. To keep a good figure, I do exercise everyday.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zhangzihe.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Zihe Zhang</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a sophmore in bio-information,from Huazhong University of Sci & Tec. I am interested in computer programming, especially computer modeling. I am also good at badminton and guitar.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/zhuzeyang.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Zeyang Zhu</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>My major is bio-information and this is the second year in HUST.I don not have much experience in research work but I am very glad to help my teammates whenever they need me.Aside from spending time in the lab.</p>
        <div style="border:1px solid #fff;padding:4px;height:180px;margin-bottom:10px;">
            <div style="float:left;">
            <img src="./images/liyuezhe.png"/>
            <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Yuezhe Li</strong></p>
            <div style="margin-top:40px;margin-left:180px">
            <p>I am a student majoring statistics,the traditional math work, which is also called "paper and pencil work".The construction of dynamic system had traped me for a long time. With many helpful softwares,especially Matlab,I am more and more proficient in modeling. I am also interested in functional analysis, stochastic process and programming.</p>
== '''What we did''' ==
            <div id="Instructors">
            <h1 class="page-header"><strong>Instructors</strong></h1>
<div >
            <div class="block-left">
              <img src="./images/xueyu.png"/>              
              <p><a class="btn btn-info" href="" >Xue Yu</a></p>
            <div class="block-right">
              <img src="./images/zhanyi.png"/>              
              <p><a class="btn btn-info" href="" >Zhan Yi</a></p>
            <div class="block-left">
              <img src="./images/yanyunju.png"/>              
              <p><a class="btn btn-info" href="" >Yan Yunju</a></p>
            <div class="block-right">
              <img src="./images/geqian.png"/>              
              <p><a class="btn btn-info" href="" >Ge Qian</a></p>
            <div id="Attributes">
            <h1 class="page-header"><strong>Attributes</strong></h1>
  <div style="margin-bottom:50px;"><p class="lead"><strong>Leader</strong></p>
  <strong>Zeng Jianhao</strong></div>
  <div style="margin-bottom:30px;"><p class="lead"><strong>Wetware</strong></p>
  <ul class="inline">
    <li>Yong Jin <span style="font-weight:normal">(Chief)</span></li>
    <li>Le Zou</li>
    <li>Xiao Xiao</li>
    <li>Huoru Zhang</li>
    <li>Siqi Zhang</li>
    <li>Xue Zeng</li>
    <li>An Yan</li>
    <li>Wang Cai</li>
    <li>Yulu Liu</li>
    <li>Zeyang Zhu</li>
  <div style="margin-bottom:30px;">
  <p class="lead"><strong>Software</strong></p>
  <ul class="inline">
    <li>Chen Li <span style="font-weight:normal">(Chief)</span></li>
    <li>Yuezhe Li</li>
    <li>Chunjie Liu</li>    
    <li>Yuanxin Wang</li>
    <li>Zihe Zhang</li>
  <div style="margin-bottom:30px;">
  <p class="lead"><strong>Wiki and Design</strong></p>
  <ul class="inline">
    <li>Wangyi Zhang <span style="font-weight:normal">(Design)</span></li>
    <li>Shuangyang Song <span style="font-weight:normal">(Wiki)</span></li>
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== '''Where we're from''' ==
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Revision as of 09:02, 23 September 2013

Student Members

Jianghao Zeng

I am going to be a graduate in biotechnology. In this team, I guaranteed that the project would progress to schedule. As leader,I have always been serving as an encourager and a time keeper.I tried to set an atmosphere of relaxing and joyful.I believe "when going gets tough,tough gets going." Love life,love life science!

Chen Li

I am a Biomedical Engineering student. My area of specialization is signal processing.I am also an amateur coder, mainly using C++, Python, PHP in daily work, but also be capable of using Matlab, R, regex, LaTeX and many other languages/tools.I love watching sarcastic comics and anime in my spare time such as XKCD, futurama. Also, I am fascinated with Sci-Fi movies like the Matrix Trilogy. I am a huge fan of metal music and classical music.

Yong Jin

My name is Jin Yong and now I major biotechnology in the Life School of Huazhong University of Sci & Tec.I have taken part in the research on biodiesel and I presided over separation and purification of manganese peroxidase.My interest in biology lies in the stem cell.During my leisure time, I enjoy reading novels and play table tennis.

Le Zou

I am an under-graduate student majoring biochemistry and molecular biology.I want to do some resesrches on mechanism of disease or stem cell after graduation.I like sports especially basketball.My favorite basketball star is

Chunjie Liu

I am a senior member in iGEM_HUST2013 ,I am specialized in bioinfomatics.In the team ,reading paper and interpretinting biological process into programmable manner take lots of my time .i am interested in biostatistics and personalized medicine

Xiao Xiao

I was a senior student in biotechnology when I became a member of iGEMers. In the team, I am responsible for the evaluation of the propionate production. Later I did some works in collection and collation of web text.I like writing some creative stuff for fun.

Huoru Zhang

I am a senior student in bioscience. I am a member of the group responsible for experiment operation.With a strong feeling for synthetic biology, I started my journey as an iGEMer this year.Being the more suffer-in-silence type, I believe in the spirit of working in earnest.

Siqi Zhang

I am going into my 4th year of bioscience in HUST.My interests include sketch,pipa and hiking. I am one of our experiment members in the team.I believe in the saying that our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.So when there is something wrong, just get it right.

Shuangyang Song

I have been studying bio-informatics in HUST for three years.I participated the IEGM in 2012 and I took the modeling work.While I am very intrested in the Internet and the web-tech such as Javascript, PHP, C#, CSS3 and HTML5, so I am responsible for the inplement of wiki page to fully show the work of our team.

Xue Zeng

I'm entering my junior year at HUST in bioscience and this is my second year to be an iGEMer.In the team, I am in charge of constructing vectors used in our oscillator. It's really a great and unforgettable experience to be in such an amazing team and fight together with so many amazing people.

An Yan

I am a junior student of Life School.I mainly participated in some wet lab work of this project.I really enjoyed the time when we discussed and conducted the experiments together.iGEM competition benefits me a lot,for it brings me to the world of synthetic biology where I meet some friend with kindred spirits.

Wang Cai

I am a junior in biotechnology.My duty in the team was standrazation of four genes.During the process of experiment, I raised the ability to solve problems. And I always keep optimistic attitude no matter what happens .I cherish my time as an iGEMer,and also enjoy the time we work together.

Yuanxin Wang

I'm a junior in bio-pharmceutics. In the team, most of my work is to build the DDE to stimulate the process of the oscillator.It may sounds a little unusual that I'm a member of software which has nothing to do with my major.But I love mathematical modeling and programming.Applying my knowledge to solve the practical problem really gives me the sense of fullfillment.

Wangyi Zhang

I was a senior in school of economics, and it’s my first time as an iGEMer. In the team, I am responsible for the art design including the web, poster, team uniform and something else. When I designed the team logo,I have wavered over whether to take advise from my teammates orto insist my own opinion. I'm not good at making a decision but I will try to get more experience and patience in the team work.

Yulu Liu

I am a sophomore in bio-information technology.I do not know where I should go in life science at present.But I'd like to have a try in what fascinate me.That's why I became an iGEMer.As a freshman in the team,I am a determined girl with a head of questions to ask.I have a gift for fluting and painting.Sometimes I prefer to learn some classical literature and music. To keep a good figure, I do exercise everyday.

Zihe Zhang

I am a sophmore in bio-information,from Huazhong University of Sci & Tec. I am interested in computer programming, especially computer modeling. I am also good at badminton and guitar.

Zeyang Zhu

My major is bio-information and this is the second year in HUST.I don not have much experience in research work but I am very glad to help my teammates whenever they need me.Aside from spending time in the lab.

Yuezhe Li

I am a student majoring statistics,the traditional math work, which is also called "paper and pencil work".The construction of dynamic system had traped me for a long time. With many helpful softwares,especially Matlab,I am more and more proficient in modeling. I am also interested in functional analysis, stochastic process and programming.



Zeng Jianhao


  • Yong Jin (Chief)
  • Le Zou
  • Xiao Xiao
  • Huoru Zhang
  • Siqi Zhang
  • Xue Zeng
  • An Yan
  • Wang Cai
  • Yulu Liu
  • Zeyang Zhu


  • Chen Li (Chief)
  • Yuezhe Li
  • Chunjie Liu
  • Yuanxin Wang
  • Zihe Zhang

Wiki and Design

  • Wangyi Zhang (Design)
  • Shuangyang Song (Wiki)