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              <a href="">Official Team Profile</a>
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              <a href="#Attributions">Attributions</a>
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<!-- Thanks to DTU 2011 -->
/* Layout */
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    <h2 class="wrapperContent">The Undergrads</h2>
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/* For overview pages */
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
        <h4>Alice Ye</h4>
.overviewPage {
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
    margin-left: -250px;}
.overviewBox {
        Hailing from the plains of Illinois, Alice was nourished on a mix of public school and dystopian novels. Besides tinkering around with microorganisms, her hobbies include reading cookbooks and figuring out how to become Tony Stark.
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/* Footer */
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
        <h4>Annie Zheng</h4>
#footer {
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
    position: relative;
    width: 840px;
        Originally from Hong Kong, Annie spends her days doing Western blots.  When not identifying proteins, Annie is passionate about microwaving food, not reading cookbooks, and selling dresses on marketplace.
    margin: 0 17px;
    top: -90px;}
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     <div class="article wrapperContent">
/* Slider (thanks to */
         <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
         <h4>Chloe Weisberg</h4>
.scrollable {
         <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
     /* required settinsg */
    overflow :hidden;
         Calling a Michigan suburb located in the first metacarpal bone home, Chloe enjoys spreading awareness of synthetic biology. When not teaching high school students, she enjoys the much more arduous endeavor of teaching her dog, Sheldon, to fetch.  
    padding: 60px 0;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 840px;
    height: 400px;
    background: #FFFFFF;}
.scrollable .items {
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    <div class="article wrapperContent">
/* Tooltips (thanks to */
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
         <h4>Elina Kostyanovskaya</h4>
/*.tooltip {
        <p><em>Biological Sciences, specialization in genetics</em></p>
         z-index: 2;
        Born in Russia and blown over by a strong gust of frosty wind to the humid plains of Texas, Elina enjoys all facets of biology, but is particularly fascinated by epigenetics. When not working , Elina enjoys virgin pina coladas, getting lost in the rain, reading, and teaching health workshops in Chicago public schools.
    background:transparent url(;
     <div class="article wrapperContent">
nav {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
     width: 875px;
        <h4>Ethan Bass</h4>
    height: 69px;
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
    background: url("") no-repeat 50%;
    z-index: 1;
        In addition to being passionate about biology and Hawaiian shirts, Ethan’s hobbies are cracking black walnuts and curating the world's most spectacular Charlie Sheen websites. Sadly, he will never fulfill his dream to help the Scooby-Doo Gang solve mysteries.
     position: relative;}
     <div class="article wrapperContent">
nav ul {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
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        <h4>Ivan Lopez</h4>
     padding: 5px 25px 7px 25px;}
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
        Ivan hails from a Chicago suburb. He likes biology, clearly. He also enjoy booking (and canceling) cruises to the Caribbean and was born to boogie.
     <div class="article wrapperContent">
nav ul li {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
     display: inline;
        <h4>Klevin Lo</h4>
    padding-left: 2px}
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
        Driven by interests in social causes, entrepreneurial opportunities, and technological breakthroughs, Klevin sees iGEM as an excellent venue to combine all of these into one pursuit by engineering microbes with novel functions that can be marketed for use as viable eco-friendly alternatives to different industrial processes.
    <div class="article wrapperContent">
nav ul li a {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
     color: #000;}
        <h4>Kyle Engel</h4>
        <p><em>Chemistry and Statistics</em></p>
        Kyle was born and raised in Downers Grove, a suburb of Chicago. Kyle enjoys playing baseball, jamming on his guitar, and attending a wide range of musical concerts (anything from heavy metal to classical). He aspires to be an orthopedic surgeon.
     <div class="article wrapperContent">
.navIgem img {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
     padding-bottom: 7px;
        <h4>Nicole Lee</h4>
     padding-right: 80px;}
        <p><em>Biological Sciences, Minor in Statistics and Human Rights</em></p>
        Nicole was born in South Korea but raised in Minnesota's Twin Cities. She loves studying cancer and disease, big cities, rap, bicycles, rooftops, good food, and all things lime green.
    <div class="article wrapperContent">
.navTeam a:hover,
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
.navProject a:hover,
        <h4>Nora Vivanco Gonzalez</h4>
.navNotebook a:hover,
        <p><em>Biological Sciences</em></p>
.navSafety a:hover,  
.navSponsor a:hover {
        Nora decided to do iGEM because she wanted the chance to work on a project with her friends and meet new people who had similar academic interests. Outside of iGEM, Nora likes hip hop dancing and watching meteor showers.
     border-bottom: 2px solid #800000;}
    <div class="article wrapperContent">
.navHome a, .navHome a:hover, .navHome a:visited, .navHome a:active {
        <img width="200px" height="230px" cite="" src="">
    font-size: 22px;
        <h4>Susan Doh</h4>
    font-weight: 700;
        <p><em>Biological Sciences and Psychology</em></p>
    color: rgb(128,0,0);
    text-decoration: none;
        Born at the boundary of Theme Park, USA but raised in the quiet suburbs of Chicago, Susan grew up enamored of the endless possibilities of sci-fi and fantasy novels and the history of the ancient world. Now a fourth year at the University of Chicago studying Biology and Psychology, she continues her apprenticeship in science and medicine, while transfiguring E. coli and keeping her pet HEK293 cells happy.
     /*margin-right: 2px #000*/}
     <div id="The_Advisors" class="divider"><p><a href="#top">^ top</a></p></div>
.navBar {
     font-size: 22px;
    font-weight: 700;
    color: #000;}
     <h2 class="wrapperContent">The Advisors</h2>
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     padding: 0 9px;}
     <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
.navIgem a, .navIgem a:hover, .navIgem a:visited, .navIgem a:active {
        <h4>Kenneth Barr</h4>
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        <p><em>Graduate Student</em></p>
    font-weight: 700;
    color: #8A9045;
    text-decoration: none;
     margin: 0;}
     <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
.navTeam a, .navTeam a:visited, .navTeam a:active,
        <h4>Jeff Bunker</h4>
.navProject a, .navProject a:hover, .navProject a:visited, .navProject a:active,
        <p><em>Graduate Student</em></p>
.navNotebook a, .navNotebook a:hover, .navNotebook a:visited, .navNotebook a:active,
.navSafety a, .navSafety a:hover, .navSafety a:visited, .navSafety a:active  {
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     <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
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        <h4>Justin Chew</h4>
     font-size: 14px;
        <p><em>Graduate Student</em></p>
    font-weight: 400;
    color: #8F3931;
     text-decoration: none;
    margin: 0;
    transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out
     <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
.navSponsor a:hover, {
        <h4>Karyl Kopaskie</h4>
     font-size: 14px;
        <p><em>Graduate Student</em></p>
    font-weight: 400;
    color: #800000;
    text-decoration: none;
     margin: 0;}
    <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
.wrapperContent {
        <h4>Sean Crosson, Ph.D.</h4>
    margin: 0 100px;
     width: 640px;
    <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
/* added 9-23-13 */
        <h4>Steve Kron, Ph.D.</h4>
    <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
#bodyContent a[href ^="mailto:"], .link-mailto {
        <h4>Chris Schonbaum, Ph.D.</h4>
    background: url( center left no-repeat;
     padding-left: 35px;
    <div class="advisor wrapperContent">
#hello_facebook a {
        <h4>James Shapiro, Ph.D.</h4>
    background: url( center left no-repeat;
     padding-left: 35px;
    <div id="Attributions" class="divider"><p><a href="#top">^ top</a></p></div>
/* added 9-24-13 */
     <h2 class="wrapperContent">Attributions</h2>
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.article img {
      <p>The University of Chicago iGEM 2013 team was responsible for conducting all of the laboratory experiments involved in the project. The University of Chicago Biological Sciences Department provided laboratory space and equipment for the iGEM team to conduct its experiments and hold meetings. Our graduate student advisors provided research experience and advice for the team to troubleshoot experiments as well as the strain of <em>B. subtilis</em> with pUB110, which we used for our experiments. Our faculty advisors also provided advice on how to go forward with our project and evaluated the feasibility of our project. Greiner Bio-One, New England BioLabs, and SARSTEDT provided laboratory equipment and reagents for the iGEM team to conduct its experiments.</p>
    float: left;
      <p>We are grateful for the Institute for Molecular Engineering, the University of Chicago Student Government, the Dean's Fund for Student Life, and the Kron Lab for providing us with the funds needed to participate in this year's competition. Our greatest thanks!</p>
     padding: 0 15px 10px 0;
     <div class="button wrapperContent">
.article h4 {
        <h3><a href="/Team:UChicago/Sponsor_Us">Sponsor Us for Next Year's Competition!</a></h3>
     float: left;
    padding: 0;
     width: 390px;
    height: 25px;
     <img id="teamLogo" src="">
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/* from 9-25-13 */
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/* added 9-26-13 */
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Latest revision as of 01:38, 28 September 2013

/* Removing wiki-like stuff */ /****************************/

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/* TOC stuff removed */

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/* Layout */ /**********/

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/* Footer */ /**********/

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/* added 9-23-13 */

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/* added 9-24-13 */

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/* added 9-26-13 */

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