Team:AHUT China/Team


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|You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc. Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
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|[[Image:AHUT_China_team.png|right|frame|Your team picture]]
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|align="center"|[[Team:AHUT_China | Team AHUT_China]]
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<div id="apDiv1"><img src="" width="1374" height="300" /></div>
!align="center"|[ Official Team Profile]
<div id="apDiv13"><img src="" width="227" height="282" /></div>
<div id="apDiv14"><img src="" width="922" height="71" /></div>
!align="center"|[[Team:AHUT_China/Parts|Parts Submitted to the Registry]]
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  <table width="100%" height="201" border="1">
== '''Who we are''' ==
      <td width="15%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><div align="center" class="daxiao">Helper</td>
{|border = "0"
      <td width="85%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><p>Pro. Luyan Ma,Dr. Shiwei Wang:</p>
        <p>Biofilm research group<br />
          State key Laboratory of Microbial Resources<br />
          Institute of Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences<br />
          NO.1 Beichen West Road<br />
          Chaoyang District<br />
          Beijing 100101<br />
          P. R. China<br />
*''' Advisor 1''':     Mentor for all
*'''Advisor 2''':     Our favorite
<div id="apDiv23"><img src="" width="922" height="614" /></div>
*'''Grad Student 1''':     Our leader 
<div id="apDiv10"><img src="" width="924" height="2475" /></div>
<div id="apDiv12"><img src="" width="922" height="4407" /></div>
<div id="apDiv16"><img src="" width="922" height="55" /></div>
<div id="apDiv17"><img src="" width="922" height="55" /></div>
<div id="apDiv21"><img src="" width="903" height="602" /></div>
*'''Student 1''':   Sleepyhead
*'''Student 2''':   Math nerd
*'''Student 3''':   Is going to save the world
*'''Student 4''':   Loves iGEM
*'''Student 5''': A normal student... or(r) am I?
*'''Student 6''': Table football fan
*'''Student 7''':
Image:Example2_Team_member_1.png|Team member 1
Image:Example2_Team_member_2.png|Team member 2
Image:Example2_Team_member_3.png|Team member 3
Image:Example2_Team_member_4.png|Team member 4
Image:Example2_Team_member_5.png|Team member 5
Image:Example2_Team_member_6.png|Team member 6
Image:Example2_Team_member_7.png|Team member 7
== '''What we did''' ==
(Provide proper attribution for all work)
== '''Where we're from''' ==

Latest revision as of 03:24, 28 September 2013

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Pro. Luyan Ma,Dr. Shiwei Wang:

Biofilm research group
State key Laboratory of Microbial Resources
Institute of Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
NO.1 Beichen West Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100101
P. R. China