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<p class="major_title">MAJOR TITLE</p>
<p class="minor_title">Minor Title</p>
<p class="major_title">INSERTING THE CIRCUIT</p>
<p class="minor_title">Ways to get GEM cells into the brain</p>
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel fringilla diam. Integer placerat sapien sed risus mollis, eget hendrerit lorem tincidunt. Cras a sem eros. Ut nec ligula eget tortor ornare tempus sit amet quis risus. Quisque condimentum, ipsum ac rhoncus ornare, tellus augue imperdiet libero, in venenatis justo arcu quis tellus. Vivamus magna libero, tempus ac augue at, placerat vulputate nunc. Praesent fringilla id erat ut sagittis. Sed nec semper risus, nec condimentum leo. Vestibulum pharetra pellentesque augue, non ultrices leo varius et. Vestibulum id egestas orci. Vestibulum metus ipsum, iaculis nec sapien in, fringilla cursus orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur eget vulputate ligula. Sed venenatis nulla et porta pharetra. Suspendisse pharetra suscipit justo sagittis consequat. Morbi eu iaculis diam, ac rhoncus urna. Pellentesque eros ligula, mollis vitae metus sit amet, interdum gravida nunc. Duis tempor quam id rhoncus sodales. Nunc commodo accumsan orci ut faucibus. Quisque vitae luctus libero. Nullam risus libero, convallis et viverra sit amet, convallis a neque. Integer adipiscing ac arcu sit amet luctus. In dignissim mauris non justo tempor, in rhoncus augue volutpat. Duis euismod sodales blandit. Vivamus volutpat molestie dignissim. Quisque cursus quam cursus dui faucibus convallis. Praesent dignissim, sem ut posuere accumsan, libero diam consequat libero, vel tempor dui mi sed massa. Aenean eros arcu, sollicitudin a euismod eu, placerat vel nunc. Nunc consequat blandit fermentum. Curabitur ante erat, lobortis ac faucibus a, sollicitudin egestas nisi. Morbi ut dolor scelerisque, fermentum est vitae, commodo tortor. Vestibulum ornare semper lorem vel volutpat. In erat ligula, auctor eu pellentesque vitae, sollicitudin id sapien. Duis pharetra sagittis purus hendrerit pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus elementum iaculis neque nec fringilla. Nunc a scelerisque nulla, et varius massa. In eu pretium eros. Quisque nec lacus elit. Mauris malesuada luctus dapibus. Vivamus eget ultricies sem. Quisque nulla tellus, euismod vel vehicula adipiscing, ornare sit amet dui. Sed eget mauris aliquam, feugiat diam vel, lacinia nunc. Ut vel est facilisis, dictum sem sit amet, lobortis arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce ut accumsan sapien. Sed pharetra ullamcorper dolor vitae rutrum. Aliquam luctus mattis felis vitae semper. Vivamus id sodales purus. Cras quis quam non tortor tincidunt laoreet varius suscipit lectus. Curabitur faucibus et libero quis vulputate. Nunc sed gravida libero. Phasellus eleifend, metus mattis molestie luctus, augue libero lacinia massa, ac volutpat tortor tortor quis sapien. Donec ultrices felis ut arcu rutrum sollicitudin. Praesent nec ligula at risus hendrerit aliquam. Etiam vestibulum aliquam ultricies. Ut semper libero volutpat, rutrum enim et, eleifend nibh. Nulla ornare, elit sed laoreet condimentum, quam nunc auctor sem, eu commodo elit ante id magna.  
It is all very well having designed a genetic circuit to combat a disease, but unless it can be feasibly transfected into the correct cells, or unless one can easily implant the transfected cells in sufficient quantity, in the correct locales and without significant bodily damage, that circuit is practically useless. Therefore, we have considered some methods of getting our genetically engineered microglial (GEM) cells into the brain that could plausibly be seen in future clinical practice.    
<p class="minor_title">In Vivo: Lipid-Peptide-DNA Nanocomplexes</p>
<p class="body_text">
There is active research interest in performing gene therapy in the brain. One method of gene delivery involves using synthetic nanoparticle formulations to transfect cells in vivo. Nanocomplexes are constructed from lipids and receptor-targeting peptides, which self-assemble around DNA structures intended for transfection, such as recombinant plasmids. They are capable of efficient targeted transfection <a href="" target="_blank">(Hart 2010 )</a> but must be inserted into the brain via micro-neurosurgery as they are far too big to pass through the blood-brain barrier.
<p class="body_text">
These lipid-peptide-DNA (LPD) nancomplexes have been shown to be able to engage cell surface receptors (or if the lipids are cationic, anionic moieties such as proteoglycans) and activate endocytosis; the cell internalises the LPD nanocomplex. It is taken to the endosome for degradation, but as the LPD nanocomplex disassembles its lipids fuse with the lipid bilayer of the endosome and destabilise it to form pores through which the peptide-DNA (PD) complex can escape. The peptide tag defends the DNA from marauding nuceleases until the DNA can be taken up by the nucleus, for example during division <a href="" target="_blank">(Hart 2010 )</a>. Non dividing cells, such as neurons, can be targeted by engaging cytoplasmic importins with the PD. Without this feature, the transfection can be targeted just to dividing brain cells, such as microglia and tumorous brain cells (glioblastoma)<a href="" target="_blank">(Hart 2010 )</a>.
<p class="body_text">
Writer et al. found that LPD nanocomplexes were effectively taken up by microglial cells when they were injected into the brains of rats. This is because the injection causes damage to the brain tissue in the needle's path and the microglia are attracted to this damage. As immune cells, it is their function to respond to such damage. Since the LPD nanocomplexes are foreign particles, the microglia ingest them and become transfected <a href="" target="_blank">(Writer et al. 2012)</a>. This suggests that non-protein targeted LPD nanocomplexes (or microglia specific targeted LPD nanocomplexes) are effective at microglial transfection. The stability of the transfection was not gauged in this study, and more research is, of course, required. 
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LPD nanocomplexes can be gadolinium-labelled to allow them to show up in an MRI scan <a href="" target="_blank">(Writer et al. 2012)</a>. This would allow us to estimate the degree of transfection and the spread of genetic information from the injection site in vivo. The dispersal of the LPD nanocomplexes is significant, because it is a major factor in determining the efficacy of a single dose. Maximal dispersal minimises the number to injection sites required, and therefore the amount of damage the brain must sustain from repeated micro-neurosurgery. Dispersal in the brain could be maximised by using anionic, as opposed to cationic, lipids in the LPD nanocomplex as this negates electrostatic 'friction' with proteoglycans on cell surfaces.
<p class="minor_title">Stem Cell Derived</p>
<p class="body_text">
Embryonic stem cells, or even induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, could be differentiated into human microglia capable of acting as a genetic circuit chassis or the vehicle for forms of gene therapy. Protocols for generating embryonic stem cell-derived microglia (ESdM) <a href="" target="_blank">(Tsuchiya et al. 2005)</a> have been developed, and genetically engineered ESdM have been used in research as a gene therapy vehicle that helps treat an autoimmune disease by expressing neurotrophin 3 <a href="" target="_blank">(Beutner et al. 2012)</a>. This Nature paper by Beutner et al. concluded that genetically engineered EDsM represented a new way to treat inflammatory conditions and repair cellular damage in the brain, which is, essentially, what our circuit is designed to do on a more diverse and ambitious scale. Engineered ESdM can be transplanted intravenously (in blood vessels around the brain) and then engraft into the central nervous system <a href="" target="_blank">(Beutner et al. 2012)</a>. Alternatively, intelligently genetically engineered ESdM and iPS derived microglia they could be inserted into the brain using microsurgery, as already discussed.
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Latest revision as of 00:11, 5 October 2013


Ways to get GEM cells into the brain

It is all very well having designed a genetic circuit to combat a disease, but unless it can be feasibly transfected into the correct cells, or unless one can easily implant the transfected cells in sufficient quantity, in the correct locales and without significant bodily damage, that circuit is practically useless. Therefore, we have considered some methods of getting our genetically engineered microglial (GEM) cells into the brain that could plausibly be seen in future clinical practice.

In Vivo: Lipid-Peptide-DNA Nanocomplexes

There is active research interest in performing gene therapy in the brain. One method of gene delivery involves using synthetic nanoparticle formulations to transfect cells in vivo. Nanocomplexes are constructed from lipids and receptor-targeting peptides, which self-assemble around DNA structures intended for transfection, such as recombinant plasmids. They are capable of efficient targeted transfection (Hart 2010 ) but must be inserted into the brain via micro-neurosurgery as they are far too big to pass through the blood-brain barrier.

These lipid-peptide-DNA (LPD) nancomplexes have been shown to be able to engage cell surface receptors (or if the lipids are cationic, anionic moieties such as proteoglycans) and activate endocytosis; the cell internalises the LPD nanocomplex. It is taken to the endosome for degradation, but as the LPD nanocomplex disassembles its lipids fuse with the lipid bilayer of the endosome and destabilise it to form pores through which the peptide-DNA (PD) complex can escape. The peptide tag defends the DNA from marauding nuceleases until the DNA can be taken up by the nucleus, for example during division (Hart 2010 ). Non dividing cells, such as neurons, can be targeted by engaging cytoplasmic importins with the PD. Without this feature, the transfection can be targeted just to dividing brain cells, such as microglia and tumorous brain cells (glioblastoma)(Hart 2010 ).

Writer et al. found that LPD nanocomplexes were effectively taken up by microglial cells when they were injected into the brains of rats. This is because the injection causes damage to the brain tissue in the needle's path and the microglia are attracted to this damage. As immune cells, it is their function to respond to such damage. Since the LPD nanocomplexes are foreign particles, the microglia ingest them and become transfected (Writer et al. 2012). This suggests that non-protein targeted LPD nanocomplexes (or microglia specific targeted LPD nanocomplexes) are effective at microglial transfection. The stability of the transfection was not gauged in this study, and more research is, of course, required.

LPD nanocomplexes can be gadolinium-labelled to allow them to show up in an MRI scan (Writer et al. 2012). This would allow us to estimate the degree of transfection and the spread of genetic information from the injection site in vivo. The dispersal of the LPD nanocomplexes is significant, because it is a major factor in determining the efficacy of a single dose. Maximal dispersal minimises the number to injection sites required, and therefore the amount of damage the brain must sustain from repeated micro-neurosurgery. Dispersal in the brain could be maximised by using anionic, as opposed to cationic, lipids in the LPD nanocomplex as this negates electrostatic 'friction' with proteoglycans on cell surfaces.

Stem Cell Derived

Embryonic stem cells, or even induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, could be differentiated into human microglia capable of acting as a genetic circuit chassis or the vehicle for forms of gene therapy. Protocols for generating embryonic stem cell-derived microglia (ESdM) (Tsuchiya et al. 2005) have been developed, and genetically engineered ESdM have been used in research as a gene therapy vehicle that helps treat an autoimmune disease by expressing neurotrophin 3 (Beutner et al. 2012). This Nature paper by Beutner et al. concluded that genetically engineered EDsM represented a new way to treat inflammatory conditions and repair cellular damage in the brain, which is, essentially, what our circuit is designed to do on a more diverse and ambitious scale. Engineered ESdM can be transplanted intravenously (in blood vessels around the brain) and then engraft into the central nervous system (Beutner et al. 2012). Alternatively, intelligently genetically engineered ESdM and iPS derived microglia they could be inserted into the brain using microsurgery, as already discussed.