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                          <li><a href="circuit.html">Circuit Registry</a></li>
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  <li class="active"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
                                                <li><a href="#mindroad">Mind Road</a></li>
                                                <li><a href="#lgd">LGD</a></li>
                                                <li><a href="#tutorial">Tutorail</a></li>
                                                <li><a href="#future">Future Plan</a></li>
  <li><a href="#feedback">Feedback</a></li>
<div class="span9">
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<h3>Mind Road</h3>
<p>A useful net structural mind map to help users know what the existing synthetic biology projects and what else they can do.</p>
<p>Short for logical genetic designer, LGD is a genetic circuit CAD that can present the detail information of the engineering bacteria and “calculate” the relationship of related parts based on our database.</p>
<p>TTEC is the abbreviation of Transcriptional Terminator Efficiency Calculator. It is the last year’s project of SUSTC and can calculate the efficiency of a terminator. TTEC plays an important role of building up our synthetic biology community in the future.</p>
<h2 id="circuit">Circuit Registry</h2>
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                                        <h4>Mind Road</h4>
    <meta name="author" content="SUSTC-ShenZhen-B" />
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
                                        <h4>Circuit List</h4>
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
<h2 id="lgd">LGD</h2>
    <style type="text/css">
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
      #globalWrapper {width: 100%;font-size: 100%;}
<h2 id="ttec">TTEC on Clotho</h2>
      #top-section {width: 100%; height:100%; border:none;}
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
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<h2 id="tutorial">Tutorial</h2>
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<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
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<h2 id="feedback">Feedback</h2>
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<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
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<h2 id="safety">Safety Form</h2>
      #content { border:none !important; width:1024px !important; background: url('') !important;}
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
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<h2 id="achievement">Achievement</h2>
      #catlinks {display:none;}
<p>We want to establish a user-friendly web2.0 platform which can function as both a handy tool kit and a community. There are mainly 3 reasons that we choose a webpage instead of a native application. First, current software need to users don’t need to download our software. Second, a webpage is not limited with the system, which means users can log in our webpage wherever they can reach the internet. And the last, all the information can be stored by the cloud, so users don’t have to worry about their information being lost.</p>
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            <a href="/wiki/index.php?title=Team:SUSTC-Shenzhen-B/safety.html&amp;action=edit" class="item">Edit</a>
        <a href="project.html" class="item">Overview</a>
        <a href="standard.html" class="item">Standard and database</a>
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            <a href="circuitplus.html" class="item">Circuit+</a>
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            <a href="safety.html" class="item">Safety</a>
            <a href="APIs.html" class="item">APIs</a>
            <a href="feedback.html" class="item">Feedback</a>
            <a href="future.html" class="item">Future</a>
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          Human practice
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            <h1 class="ui dividing header">Achievement</h1>
            <p class="lead">Below are requirements and our achievements.</p>
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          <a class="active item">Bronze Medal requiement</a>
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        <h2 class="ui dividing header">Bronze Medal requirement</h2>
        <section id="motivation"></section>
        <p>To earn a Silver Medal, in addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, a team must do ONE of the following:</p>
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                  Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool
                  See <a href="future.html" target="_blank">future</a> part of this wiki.
                  Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project.
                  We have put <a href="clotho.html" target="_blank">Circuit List</a>, which is Clotho verion of Circuit+.
                  Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate.
                  See <a href="tutorial.html" target="_blank">tutorial</a> part of this wiki.
        <h2 class="ui dividing header">Privacy policy</h2>
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Latest revision as of 09:01, 28 October 2013



Below are requirements and our achievements.

Bronze Medal requirement

To earn a Silver Medal, in addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, a team must do ONE of the following:

Requirement Achievement
Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool See future part of this wiki.
Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project. We have put Circuit List, which is Clotho verion of Circuit+.
Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate. See tutorial part of this wiki.

Privacy policy