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                                                <li class="nav-header">Circuit Registry</li>
  <li class="active"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
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                                                <li><a href="#list">Circuit List</a></li>
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<p>The Mind Road is one of the major functions of Biomiao platform. All the circuits that have successfully submitted can be found there. This web application aims at assisting people to find the synthetic biological projects they are interested in. The app is meaningful, because it provides a classification for divergent thinking. We build up the Mind Road network through scanning for over a hundred of projects that designed and functioned (partially) the genetic circuits as well as simulating a brainstorm so as to establish the Mind Road more practical and realistic.</p>
                                        <div id="database">
<p>All the data is stored in our MySQL server database. In order to dynamically update data in a safer way, we choose MyISAM to be the engine of our database. We try to establish a technique standard for the data structure. A complete project on Biomiao must contain following essential information</p>
                                        <h5>Part-I: Basic information</h5>
                                        <p>Project name, Author(s), Year, Wiki (paper) –Link, Description [Around 150 words], Project result [representative diagram or some other images (enclosed in the annex)], Reference [Write all the relative papers you’ve referenced]</p>
                                        <h5>Part-II: Genetic Circuit information</h5>
                                        <p>Circuit description [How your circuit works and what are the subunits (promoter, operon, RBS, coding, domain, terminator…) of this circuit, Circuit diagram [enclosed in the annex], Subparts information: [Give us a brief description about the parts you designed or used in this project like the Biobrick ID, the subparts (if have), the functions)].</p>
                                        <h5>Part-III: Lab process / Major methods</h5>
                                        <p>Equipment [List the machines or devices you used while processing the experiment], Material [List all the medium (each component should be listed out), strains & plasmids you have used in the experiment], Procedure [List the procedures as simple as possible in order. Or you can just write some key processes (or methods) of your experiments].</p>
                                        <p>1. The information that mention above is also the submit format. You can go to the submit page to upload your project.</p>
                                        <p>2. We develop a new technique Standard: Genetic Circuit Standard (version1.0). To see more details, you can click here.</p>
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<h2>Current Result</h2>
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<p>At present, we’ve stored approximately 80 projects’ information. We have deleted some unfinished projects and as a result, there might have some empty nodes in the Mind Road. Most projects are coming from previous iGEM team. And we’ve invited some 2013 iGEM teams to submit their projects on the Biomiao platform (Peking, Shenzhen-BGI, SYSU, XMU, HKUST, etc.). We eagerly expect all the 2013 iGEMers to join in this platform and share their projects. We are now still sending more and more invitation Email to the 2013 iGEM teams.</p>
                                        <div id="list">
<h2>Circuit List</h2>
<p>The Circuit List is another way to reveal all the project in a specific order. In this way, the user can directly scan all the project in a list instead of click the sorted bubbles in Mind Road.</p>
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        <p>To earn a Silver Medal, in addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, a team must do ONE of the following:</p>
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                  Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool
                  See <a href="future.html" target="_blank">future</a> part of this wiki.
                  Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project.
                  We have put <a href="clotho.html" target="_blank">Circuit List</a>, which is Clotho verion of Circuit+.
                  Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate.
                  See <a href="tutorial.html" target="_blank">tutorial</a> part of this wiki.
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Latest revision as of 09:01, 28 October 2013



Below are requirements and our achievements.

Bronze Medal requirement

To earn a Silver Medal, in addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, a team must do ONE of the following:

Requirement Achievement
Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool See future part of this wiki.
Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project. We have put Circuit List, which is Clotho verion of Circuit+.
Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate. See tutorial part of this wiki.

Privacy policy