Team:Goettingen/NoteBook w2


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<span class="date">08th<img src="" /></span>
<span class="date">10th<img src="" /></span>
<div class="cont">
<div class="cont">
<p class="timeline-title">Cloning DarR ORF from g-DNA</p>
<p class="timeline-title">Cloning DarR ORF from g-DNA</p>

Revision as of 08:41, 18 August 2013


Cloning DarR ORF from g-DNA

Colonies on the plates: parts 8, 7 C1

10 ml LB medium with 10 μl antibiotics, overnight culture for mini-prep

backup plates: C1, C2, C3 for part 8

Colonies on the plates: parts 8, 7 C1

Preparation of 250 ml LB broth media (stored on shelf above bench)

10 ml LB medium with 10 μl antibiotics, overnight culture for mini-prep

backup plates: C1, C2, C3 for part 8

Re-streak of E.coli clones from prtas 6 and 7 on new LBChloram plates Preparation of new LBChloram plates (500 ml) and Preparation of 250 ml LB broth media (stored on shelf above bench) PCR with DarR primers with different enzymes and different buffers
  • dilution of primer stocks 1:20 (100 pmol -> 5 pmol):95 μl HPLC water + 5 μl primer 100 pmol
  • preparation of dNTP mix -> dilute stocks 1:8 (100 mM ? 12.5 mM):50μl dNTP + 200μl dH2O
  • diluted primers and dNTP mix stored in red box at -20 °C

1x reaction(50μl)

Buffer (5x GC buffer or 5x HF buffer)10
dNTP mix (12.5 mM each)2
Primer fwd iGEM_34 (5 pmol)2
Primer rev iGEM_35 (5 pmol)2
Chromosomal DNA M. smegmatis2
DNA-Polymerase (Phusion or PhuS)
or dH2O for water control

Master Mix for 6 reactions

dNTP mix (12.5 mM each)12
Primer fwd iGEM_34 (5 pmol)12
Primer rev iGEM_35 (5 pmol)12

addition of template (chrom. DNA/dH2O), polymerase and buffer individually, then addition of 37 μl master mix

For tested combinations of buffer and Pol: see table for gel loading

PCR protocol (cycler 7; folder “Katrin” > “iGEM” > “DarR seq”)

Initial denaturation98.5 °C5 min
Denaturation98.5 °C30 s
Annealing60 °C
(TA = TM (≈66 °C) – 6 °C)
35 s
Elongation72 °C2 min (Phu needs more time than Phusion!)
Final elongation72 °C10 min
Hold15 °C
  • Protocol of 1 % Agarose-1xTAE gel
  • 4 μl PCR reaction + 1 μl 5x DNA Loading Dye
  • 3 μl 1 kb ladder (Quick Load)
  • Run at 100 V in 1xTAE buffer
  • Staining in EtBr and destaining in water
  • UV detection

Loading scheme

1kb ladder
HFGCHFGCWater control
with HF
1 kb ladder

Reactions stored at - 20°C in 50 ml Falcon