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<p>Genovo is a <b>Computer-Aided Design(CAD) suite</b> to assist users to create new system denovo.</p>
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It sets us free in the laborious, complex creating procedure, including choosing genes of new system (here the system refers to new pathways which is in form of a chromosome), changing chromosome’s structure, editing coding DNA sequence, splitting the chromosome into equipped fragments for synthesis and assembly.
Genovo’s UI is mainly developed on a genome browser, <a href="">Jbrowse</a> interface<br/>
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Functionally, Genovo is partially based on <a href="">GeneDesign</a> algorithm suite, and BioStudio development environment under <a href="">SC2.0 project</a>, but it has great extensions.
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<div class="post-content" style="color: #ADFFCF;"><hr/><p>Genovo is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool used for denovo design of genome. The current version consists of 4 parts. </p>
<p>The first, Chromosome Construction will grap genes in a common pathway and chromosome features to build a new genome and let user to define the order and orientation in drap-drop way. The second, Nucleotide Modification will optimize and soften the sequence of CDSs. It also help design the CRIPSR sites so that we can silence the wild type genes. The third, Chromosome Segmentation will cut chromosome into pieces and add 3A & Gibson & Goldengate & Homologous Recombination adaptors to the pieces automatically for assembly. The last one, OLS Design will guide users to gain the chromosome by microarray. </p>
<p>Genovo will enable user to design their innovative chromosome as their wishes and further the research on genome on pathway level.</p>
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Latest revision as of 16:09, 28 October 2013

Overview:Genome Design Suite

Genovo is a Computer-Aided Design(CAD) suite to assist users to create new system denovo.

It sets us free in the laborious, complex creating procedure, including choosing genes of new system (here the system refers to new pathways which is in form of a chromosome), changing chromosome’s structure, editing coding DNA sequence, splitting the chromosome into equipped fragments for synthesis and assembly.

Genovo’s UI is mainly developed on a genome browser, Jbrowse interface

Functionally, Genovo is partially based on GeneDesign algorithm suite, and BioStudio development environment under SC2.0 project, but it has great extensions.