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- | We are the representative team for iGEM 2013 from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México. We are at iGEM to support and perform Synthetic Biology. This is our wiki, through which you can get to know better what we do.
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- | <div class="link-header">Synthetic Biology Tunnel</div>
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- | <div class="link-content">A project to massively inform the crowd. In about 90 minutes and across ten interactive modules, we covered topics from basic molecular biology to applications of SynBio and iGEM. More than 2000 attendees!
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- | Our project, E. cologic, addresses a severe health public issue through an environmentally friendly, scalable biological device.
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- | <div class="link-header">iGEM History Database</div>
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- | The database is a freely accessible iGEM compilation that can inspire new projects! This year, we collaborated with Dr. Michal Galdzicki, from University of Washington, to generate a new interface.
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- | <div class="link-header">Math Model</div>
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- | Whenever possible, we will make a model in an unicellular, genetic circuit level; but usually, we'll be modeling in a population level.
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- | <div class="link-header">Human Practices</div>
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- | Let us start with a great story: speeches, workshops, tunnel, courses, CIDEB-UANL, posters, TV, radio...All together, it was a once in a life-time experience!
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