Template:Team:BGU Israel/header

From 2013.igem.org

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Revision as of 17:02, 21 September 2013

(function($) {

/* Modified version to trigger a caallback function when done loading https://github.com/ahmednuaman/tweet/commit/af9a64f1e0bda03e2847ddac8a4bb38f859d395c */

 $.fn.tweet = function(o){
   var s = $.extend({
     username: ["seaofclouds"],                // [string]   required, unless you want to display our tweets. :) it can be an array, just do ["username1","username2","etc"]
     list: null,                               // [string]   optional name of list belonging to username
     favorites: false,                         // [boolean]  display the user's favorites instead of his tweets
     avatar_size: null,                        // [integer]  height and width of avatar if displayed (48px max)
     count: 3,                                 // [integer]  how many tweets to display?
     fetch: null,                              // [integer]  how many tweets to fetch via the API (set this higher than 'count' if using the 'filter' option)
     intro_text: null,                         // [string]   do you want text BEFORE your your tweets?
     outro_text: null,                         // [string]   do you want text AFTER your tweets?
     join_text:  null,                         // [string]   optional text in between date and tweet, try setting to "auto"
     auto_join_text_default: "i said,",        // [string]   auto text for non verb: "i said" bullocks
     auto_join_text_ed: "i",                   // [string]   auto text for past tense: "i" surfed
     auto_join_text_ing: "i am",               // [string]   auto tense for present tense: "i was" surfing
     auto_join_text_reply: "i replied to",     // [string]   auto tense for replies: "i replied to" @someone "with"
     auto_join_text_url: "i was looking at",   // [string]   auto tense for urls: "i was looking at" http:...
     loading_text: null,                       // [string]   optional loading text, displayed while tweets load
     query: null,                              // [string]   optional search query
     callback: null,                 // [function] optional callback fired when the data has loaded
     refresh_interval: null ,                  // [integer]  optional number of seconds after which to reload tweets
     twitter_url: "twitter.com",               // [string]   custom twitter url, if any (apigee, etc.)
     twitter_api_url: "api.twitter.com",       // [string]   custom twitter api url, if any (apigee, etc.)
     twitter_search_url: "search.twitter.com", // [string]   custom twitter search url, if any (apigee, etc.)
template: function(info) { // [function] template used to construct each tweet
  • return info["avatar"] + info["time"] + info["join"] + info["text"]; }, comparator: function(tweet1, tweet2) { // [function] comparator used to sort tweets (see Array.sort) return tweet2["tweet_time"] - tweet1["tweet_time"]; }, filter: function(tweet) { // [function] whether or not to include a particular tweet (be sure to also set 'fetch') return true; } }, o); $.fn.extend({ linkUrl: function() { var returning = []; // See http://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls var regexp = /\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/gi; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(regexp, function(match) { var url = (/^[a-z]+:/i).test(match) ? match : "http://"+match; return "<a href=\""+url+"\">"+match+"</a>"; })); }); return $(returning); }, linkUser: function() { var returning = []; var regexp = /[\@]+([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/gi; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(regexp,"<a href=\"http://"+s.twitter_url+"/$1\">@$1</a>")); }); return $(returning); }, linkHash: function() { var returning = []; var regexp = /(?:^| )[\#]+([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)/gi; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(regexp, ' <a href="http://'+s.twitter_search_url+'/search?q=&tag=$1&lang=all&from='+s.username.join("%2BOR%2B")+'">#$1</a>')); }); return $(returning); }, capAwesome: function() { var returning = []; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(/\b(awesome)\b/gi, '$1')); }); return $(returning); }, capEpic: function() { var returning = []; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(/\b(epic)\b/gi, '$1')); }); return $(returning); }, makeHeart: function() { var returning = []; this.each(function() { returning.push(this.replace(/(<)+[3]/gi, "")); }); return $(returning); } }); function parse_date(date_str) { // The non-search twitter APIs return inconsistently-formatted dates, which Date.parse // cannot handle in IE. We therefore perform the following transformation: // "Wed Apr 29 08:53:31 +0000 2009" => "Wed, Apr 29 2009 08:53:31 +0000" return Date.parse(date_str.replace(/^([a-z]{3})( [a-z]{3} \d\d?)(.*)( \d{4})$/i, '$1,$2$4$3')); } function relative_time(date) { var relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new Date(); var delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - date) / 1000, 10); var r = ; if (delta < 60) { r = delta + ' seconds ago'; } else if(delta < 120) { r = 'a minute ago'; } else if(delta < (45*60)) { r = (parseInt(delta / 60, 10)).toString() + ' minutes ago'; } else if(delta < (2*60*60)) { r = 'an hour ago'; } else if(delta < (24*60*60)) { r = + (parseInt(delta / 3600, 10)).toString() + ' hours ago'; } else if(delta < (48*60*60)) { r = 'a day ago'; } else { r = (parseInt(delta / 86400, 10)).toString() + ' days ago'; } return 'about ' + r; } function build_url() { var proto = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:'); var count = (s.fetch === null) ? s.count : s.fetch; if (s.list) { return proto+"//"+s.twitter_api_url+"/1/"+s.username[0]+"/lists/"+s.list+"/statuses.json?per_page="+count+"&callback=?"; } else if (s.favorites) { return proto+"//"+s.twitter_api_url+"/favorites/"+s.username[0]+".json?count="+s.count+"&callback=?"; } else if (s.query === null && s.username.length == 1) { return proto+'//'+s.twitter_api_url+'/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name='+s.username[0]+'&count='+count+'&include_rts=1&callback=?'; } else { var query = (s.query || 'from:'+s.username.join(' OR from:')); return proto+'//'+s.twitter_search_url+'/search.json?&q='+encodeURIComponent(query)+'&rpp='+count+'&callback=?'; } } return this.each(function(i, widget){ var list = $('
      ').appendTo(widget); var intro = '


      '; var outro = '


      '; var loading = $('


           if(typeof(s.username) == "string"){
             s.username = [s.username];
           if (s.loading_text) $(widget).append(loading);
           $(widget).bind("load", function(){
             $.getJSON(build_url(), function(data){
               if (s.loading_text) loading.remove();
               if (s.intro_text) list.before(intro);
               var tweets = $.map(data.results || data, function(item){
                 var join_text = s.join_text;
                 // auto join text based on verb tense and content
                 if (s.join_text == "auto") {
                   if (item.text.match(/^(@([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)) .*/i)) {
                     join_text = s.auto_join_text_reply;
                   } else if (item.text.match(/(^\w+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+) .*/i)) {
                     join_text = s.auto_join_text_url;
                   } else if (item.text.match(/^((\w+ed)|just) .*/im)) {
                     join_text = s.auto_join_text_ed;
                   } else if (item.text.match(/^(\w*ing) .*/i)) {
                     join_text = s.auto_join_text_ing;
                   } else {
                     join_text = s.auto_join_text_default;
      // Basic building blocks for constructing tweet
    • using a template var screen_name = item.from_user || item.user.screen_name; var source = item.source; var user_url = "http://"+s.twitter_url+"/"+screen_name; var avatar_size = s.avatar_size; var avatar_url = item.profile_image_url || item.user.profile_image_url; var tweet_url = "http://"+s.twitter_url+"/"+screen_name+"/statuses/"+item.id_str; var tweet_time = parse_date(item.created_at); var tweet_relative_time = relative_time(tweet_time); var tweet_raw_text = item.text; var tweet_text = $([tweet_raw_text]).linkUrl().linkUser().linkHash()[0]; // Default spans, and pre-formatted blocks for common layouts var user = '<a class="tweet_user" href="'+user_url+'">'+screen_name+'</a>'; var join = ((s.join_text) ? (' '+join_text+' ') : ' '); var avatar = (avatar_size ? ('<a class="tweet_avatar" href="'+user_url+'"><img src="'+avatar_url+ '" height="'+avatar_size+'" width="'+avatar_size+ '" alt="'+screen_name+'\'s avatar" title="'+screen_name+'\'s avatar" border="0"/></a>') : ); var time = '<a href="'+tweet_url+'" title="view tweet on twitter">'+tweet_relative_time+'</a>'; var text = ''+$([tweet_text]).makeHeart().capAwesome().capEpic()[0]+ ''; return { item: item, // For advanced users who want to dig out other info screen_name: screen_name, user_url: user_url, avatar_size: avatar_size, avatar_url: avatar_url, source: source, tweet_url: tweet_url, tweet_time: tweet_time, tweet_relative_time: tweet_relative_time, tweet_raw_text: tweet_raw_text, tweet_text: tweet_text, user: user, join: join, avatar: avatar, time: time, text: text }; }); tweets = $.grep(tweets, s.filter).slice(0, s.count); list.append($.map(tweets.sort(s.comparator), function(t) { return "
    • " + s.template(t) + "
    • "; }).join()).
               if (s.outro_text) list.after(outro);
               $(widget).trigger("loaded").trigger((tweets.length === 0 ? "empty" : "full"));
               if (s.refresh_interval) {
                 window.setTimeout(function() { $(widget).trigger("load"); }, 1000 * s.refresh_interval);
               // callback    
               if ( s.callback ){ s.callback(); }

