Team:Hong Kong HKUST/members


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Latest revision as of 22:55, 27 September 2013









The HKUST iGEM team 2013 is composed of 13 dedicated undergraduate students. Click their pictures to know more about them!








Lindy is a sophomore majoring in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Being a silver medalist in the International Biology Olympiad you might think that would make biology among her strongest virtue. Nope. It's her ability to annoy people in the lab with her singing while doing... well, everything. Her plans after UST include earning an MD in the States and joining the cast of The Big Bang Theory.

Words of Wisdom:

When lab work gives you lemons, it's time to reflect on your competent cells.

Winnie Wai In HUI

Winnie is a Year 2 Biology student. After entering HKUST she wanted to try anything new. That was why she joined the iGEM team to explore synthetic biology and to enjoy lab work with people from various countries. Besides enriching her knowledge, she hopes to gain precious memories and friendships through iGEM.

Food for Thought

Although there may be failures in experiments, it is really exciting to see our results come out!

Doyle Jihwan LEE

Doyle is a first year Molecular Biomedical Sciences student. He ultimately plans to work in an international organization involved in public health. He was born in South Korea, but lived his life mostly abroad in Bangladesh and Thailand.

Doyle's Two Cents on Life

Doyle sometimes feel envious toward the liver cells that he cultures. He thinks they live without stress and tension unlike the neuron cells in his brain.

Cecilia Xilin SHI

Cecilia is a sophomore majoring in financial mathematics and statistics. As she majors in a subject unrelated to biology she only knew a little about synthetic biology before joining, which she did to explore the mystery of biology. She feels excited to work with a group of passionate and outstanding students and appreciates their mutual support.

Lab Mood-Booster

LB smells good!

Wilson Chun Pong HO

Wilson is a year 2 Biochemistry and Cell Biology student. His favourite things to do outside the lab include distance-running, eating and sleeping. He is not sure about what to do after graduation, maybe he will apply to be a firefighter, or pursue other things he is interested in.

Random Info

Wilson loves daydreaming. When he is doing so, he will sit there, do nothing, and think nothing. Sometimes it seems like he short-circuited.

Lynn Yuqi WANG

As a sophomore Biochemistry student, Lynn is a hard working girl with an optimistic attitude toward life. She has a good sense of humor that always makes her friends happy. Lynn plans to pursue further study in the US after graduating from HKUST, where she has her memorable university life.

Cherished Lab Memories

Lynn is in charge of using GC-MS to quantify fatty acid. However, during the sample preparation, she used droppers to absorb the organic layer together with some water into the tube. That caused the FA concentration measurement to be 0 after one day of waiting.


Satien came from Jakarta, Indonesia and was born in 1994. This is her second year at HKUST. Her major is Biochemistry and Cell Biology. She loves watching movies, video editing, and singing. She joined iGEM because she wanted to learn more about synthetic biology. After HKUST, she might take further studies in the same field or a different field or maybe find a job. We never know what will happen in the future.

She loves to...

Eat lunch while waiting for digestion and running the gel.

Wendi XIAO

Wendi is a year 2 student majoring in Biology. She enjoys playing around in lab and is regarded as a potential "hazard" because of that. Right now she doesn't have any plans for her future, but she most probably will pursue a master's degree abroad.

Little Known Facts

Greet her! Little Wendi! Don't let her run gels alone! Nothing will appear on the gel photo... and the gel melts.

Stephy Siwei XIE

Stephy is a biochemistry student, and now is in her second year in the 3-year-program. Stephy is one of the graphic design team members, and she mostly spent her weeks finding the right companies for printing iGEM needs. Stephy is planning to go for further study in America or wherever outside Hong Kong.

What We Do that People Don't

Every Thursday, we have KOR103 course in MBMS lab, which is conducted by our leader, Chloe Eonni! Great, right? We learnt a lot! LOL ;D

Chloe Hyun Jung LEE

Chloe is a sophomore majoring in Biochemistry. She learned soooooooo much going through iGEM but it was also a really really stressful and tough process!!

Random things

She really doesn't understand why the Gibson Assembly for ACEB contruct did not work out. It should at least have the same number of colonies as the negative control, how can it have no colony at all!!! The Gibson Assembly mix certainly affected the DNA fragments in some way... Is it possible that a gene is toxic to its native strain? Also, for BBa_J176171!! She confirmed that the linear plasmid is stable at 50°C but why can't it assemble with complementary sequences engineered in GFP? Can we really trust the sequence of this part? If this is heat sensitive, how can we confirm its sequence?

Astrid Sephira ALIM

Astrid is a sophomore at HKUST, and is studying Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Astrid works in sub-group 2 and mostly does the inoculation, which might be too many times so she got a new nickname, "Inoculation girl"! For now, Astrid still has no clear plan at all after leaving HKUST, however she absolutely wants to go for further study or find something to do.

Cherished Lab Memories

** Astrid's sub group conversation. **
How to do the gel photo?
- Take your phone out.
- Unlock your phone.
- Choose the camera function button.
And, it is doonnneee! @#$%^&$^#&@

Raul Guillermo Medina CUELLAR

Don't let Raul's severe-looking appearance and intimidating silence deceive you: he is the nicest guy on earth! As soon as he gets to know you, he will start taking care of you as if you were a little brother/sister! His great passions are biology, chemistry and all that has to do with those fields (Don't get him started on synthetic biology!!) His bright future definitely lies within the walls of a lab!

Raul's You-Ought-to-Know:

HE IS A PRO AT TERRIBLE KNOCK-KNOCK JOKES!!! (Don't ever let him tell you one; if you are a normal person, you'll probably be scarred for life.)

Derek Ka Long CHU

Derek is a second year student studying Biochemistry. He is interested in doing research and wants to explore his options in it.

Favourite Phrase

"Ohh, did I use the wrong pipette?"