Team:Georgia State/team


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window.onload = function () {
//scrollpane parts
var scrollPane = $( ".scroll-pane" ),
scrollContent = $( ".scroll-content" );
//build slider
var scrollbar = $( ".scroll-bar" ).slider({
slide: function( event, ui ) {
if ( scrollContent.width() > scrollPane.width() ) {
scrollContent.css( "margin-left", Math.round(
ui.value / 100 * ( scrollPane.width() - scrollContent.width() )
) + "px" );
} else {
scrollContent.css( "margin-left", 0 );
//append icon to handle
var handleHelper = scrollbar.find( ".ui-slider-handle" )
.mousedown(function() {
scrollbar.width( handleHelper.width() );
.mouseup(function() {
scrollbar.width( "100%" );
.append( "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical'></span>" )
.wrap( "<div class='ui-handle-helper-parent'></div>" ).parent();
//change overflow to hidden now that slider handles the scrolling
scrollPane.css( "overflow", "hidden" );
//size scrollbar and handle proportionally to scroll distance
function sizeScrollbar() {
var remainder = scrollContent.width() - scrollPane.width();
var proportion = remainder / scrollContent.width();
var handleSize = scrollPane.width() - ( proportion * scrollPane.width() );
scrollbar.find( ".ui-slider-handle" ).css({
width: handleSize,
"margin-left": -handleSize / 2
handleHelper.width( "" ).width( scrollbar.width() - handleSize );
//reset slider value based on scroll content position
function resetValue() {
var remainder = scrollPane.width() - scrollContent.width();
var leftVal = scrollContent.css( "margin-left" ) === "auto" ? 0 :
parseInt( scrollContent.css( "margin-left" ) );
var percentage = Math.round( leftVal / remainder * 100 );
scrollbar.slider( "value", percentage );
//if the slider is 100% and window gets larger, reveal content
function reflowContent() {
var showing = scrollContent.width() + parseInt( scrollContent.css( "margin-left" ), 10 );
var gap = scrollPane.width() - showing;
if ( gap > 0 ) {
scrollContent.css( "margin-left", parseInt( scrollContent.css( "margin-left" ), 10 ) + gap );
//change handle position on window resize
$( window ).resize(function() {
//init scrollbar size
setTimeout( sizeScrollbar, 10 );//safari wants a timeout
<div class="slider">
<div class="scroll-pane ui-widget ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">
        <ul class="scroll-content">
            <li><img src="" alt="Image 1" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-02.jpg" alt="Image 2" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-03.jpg" alt="Image 3" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-04.jpg" alt="Image 4" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-05.jpg" alt="Image 5" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-06.jpg" alt="Image 6" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-07.jpg" alt="Image 7" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-08.jpg" alt="Image 8" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-09.jpg" alt="Image 9" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-10.jpg" alt="Image 10" /></li>
            <li><img src="mad-11.jpg" alt="Image 11" /></li>
<div class="scroll-bar-wrap ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">
<div class="scroll-bar"></div>
</div><!-- .slider -->

Revision as of 00:38, 30 June 2013

Georgia State Wiki