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<p><strong>Instructors:</strong><br> Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ayten YAZGAN KARATAŞ<br>
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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Neşe KÖK</p><br>
Dr.Deniz ŞAHİN<br><p>
    <p><strong>The Godfather:</strong><br> Recep Erdem Ahan</p>
<p><strong>Captain Assistants:</strong><br> Eren Şahin<br>
  Behide Saltepe</p>
<p><strong>Secretary:</strong><br> Büşra Ahata</p>
<p><strong>Accountant:</strong><br> Tuğçe Önür</p>
<p><strong>Modelling & Web Site Design: </strong><br>Seda Karabacak<br>
      Mertcan Akyürek</p>
<p><strong>Team Members:</strong><br>
  Boğaç Erçığ<br>
  Cahit Haktan Çağlar<br>
  Can Gürkaşlar<br>
  Deniz Kınık<br>
  Dilek Gülsima Usluer<br>
  Güleycan Lütfullahoğlu<br>
  Güliz Otkıran<br>
  Mahir Bozan<br>
  Mehmet Akdağ<br>
  Nazif Taşbaş<br>
  Sibel Karaman  
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<p><strong>Recep Erdem Ahan:</strong> Hi all, I am Recep erdem Ahan team captain of ITU MOBGAM Team. I was born and continue to live in Istanbul. It is a lovely city to live if you can ignore some negative parts. After I watched X-man, Heroes, Fantastic Four , glowing rabbits and stuff like that, I am impressed by science of genetics and molecular biology. Now, I am last year student in Molecular Biology and Genetics Deparment in ITU. Moreover, I do double major in Chemistry. I met iGEM and synthetic biology two years ago. After doing couple researches and reading articles , I had thought that it has a potential to human life better. My searches interests are Omics Sciences, Bio- and Nano- technology, System Biology, Cancer and of course Synthetic biology. I want to pursue my carrer in academic way (at least I want to take PhD.) Besides all, in my free time I would like to watch movies, hang out with friends, smoke waterpipe, walking the Istiklal Street. Also, I am a daydreamer and enjoy to dream that I can fly without wings.</p> </td>
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<p><strong>Eren Şahin:</strong> Eren is a last year student in Molecular Biology and Genetics. This is his first year in iGEM. He decided to join iGEM because he felt that synthetic biology has an unprecedented power in influencing the future of biology. He wanted to carry out his knowledge and imagination into building creative and innovative applications. The idea of working with a team of undergraduates  seemed truly fascinating as well. All in all, he believes iGEM provides a unique opportunity to develop something that can have a tangible, positive impact on the world of synthetic biology. Lastly, when i am not busy in the labs (like that ever happens), I enjoy being out having great adventures.  Outside of school my favourite activities are “goy goy” and to take pictures. (By the way, the meaning of “goy goy” is to chat with friends:D).</p>
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<p><strong>Behide Saltepe (Evil Queen):</strong> This is Behide Saltepe from ITU MOBGAM iGEM Team. I am one of the vice presidents at our team. This is my fourth, and last, year at Molecular Biology and Genetics department in Istanbul Technical University. I met with iGEM competition this year, as my friends. Although I am interested mostly in neuroscience, I want to discover the facilities of synthetic biology as a different interest area for me. Also I believe that researching on a project would bring lots of experience us at all aspects. That’s why I am in the team! Out of the lab, I really enjoy dancing, especially Latin dances are my area of interests. During experiments, we are listening music, singing, and dancing, lab is so exciting for us! Most importantly, my favorite hobby is travelling in Istanbul, because I fall in love with Istanbul! It is so fascinating city with all its beauty!</p> </td>
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<p><strong>Büşra Ahata:</strong> Hi there, I'm Büşra:) I'm senior student at Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and one of the proud members of wet lab in first iGEM team in ITU. I had full hands at the time I was working for IGEM because I was also working on a biotechnology company. But it was never a burden, because I always believe that IGEM provides us great opportunities to learn about technical and laborative developments. I have been always interested in biology, also I had great interest in synthetic biology which i couldn't quite improve until my juniour class at ITU. Now, I can gladly say that being iGEM member satisfy my curiosity about the subject. Moreover,preparing a project, and learning of it's entire steps are fullfilled by IGEM project and my teammates. Besides all the scientific addition that IGEM provides oneself, a person can learn to be a part of a team, to be confident with the things you create all together, and absolutely there is success you can experience by IGEM. Not even mentioning the fun we had! See you in the upcoming years fellows:)</p>
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<p><strong>Tuğçe Önür:</strong> I am a senior student in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic. iGEM is the great chance to get wet-lab and research experience for me. I have already interested in biotechnology/microbiology and now I am aware of I really want to engage in these types of research. I worked on kill-switch module in our project. In addition; travelling, camping, natural sports and taking photos are the other things that make me happy. </p> </td>
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<p><strong>Seda Karabacak:</strong> Hi everyone, I am Seda  This is the last year for me at Mathematical Engineering department in ITU and first year at iGEM like all other friends. I am responsible for modelling and web site design. Let see “How I met iGEM?”.. One day after the lesson, one of my friend who is Recep (Our Godfather), suggested me to join the team. I’d never thought being a member of such a team but I said myself “Why not, it can be great opportunity” and than I accepted his suggestion. I never regretted even ones and always glad to be a part of iGEM. Because I learnt so many things thanks to iGEM competition. Many thanks to all team member and iGEM…</p>
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<p><strong>Mertcan Akyürek:</strong> Hello everyone! I am Can. I am studying Engineering Physics as a senior student.  Since I am interested in biology, genetics, neuroscience, biophysics, computers and programming, as well, I've taken part in this team to help my team mates for modelling and website designing. I am glad to be in iGEM so that I can improve my knowledge and skills. Apart from the academic dimension -the boring part, I have hobbies irrelevant with each other but mostly I fill my days with watching movies, dancing and swimming. </p> </td>
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<p><strong>Boğaç Erçığ:</strong> Hakkımda..</p>
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<p><strong>Cahit Haktan Çağlar:</strong> I study Department of Mol Bio and Genetics at ITU and third year in this department. I like doing taekwondo. I’m interested in research about diagnoses and treatment of genetic diseases. The biggest thing that ı enjoy at the end ofthe day to sleep idly. </p> </td>
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<p><strong>Can Gürkaşlar:</strong> I’m Can Gurkaslar a second year student at the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department in ITU and this is my first year at iGEM with along with my other friends. First time I hear synthetic biology is at iGEM presentation and I love the way we can play with our little friends and I thought joining iGEM team would be a good lab experience.</p>
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<p><strong>Deniz Kınık:</strong> Hi I’m Deniz  =) I’m 2nd  year student at Molecular Biology and Genetics department in ITU. I am responsible for human practice in general and I have worked as a lab assistant, so, I got the opportunity to learn new techniques from our team members who have more knowledge. That was one of my goals to participate in iGEM. My first thougt when I considered joining the team was whether I will be useful for the team or not and I was fussy about it. But I got rid of all the hesitates thanks to our team leader and the team spirit, so, the stressful and funny year was started . This year, we have learned not only about synthetic biology but also thinking for new ideas, working as a team, overcoming stress…sooo thanks to iGEM =)</p> </td>
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<p><strong>Dilek Gülsima Usluer (Belieber):</strong> I am Dilek Gulsima Usluer and I am a four year student of Molecular Biology and Genetics department of Istanbul Technical University. I am working in both wet lab and human practice divisions of ITU_MOBGAM team. I always believe that there are too many things to do and much more things to learn in the world of science. This is why I wanted to be involved in an IGEM project. With the help of IGEM competition, I have met with a new field of biology, synthetic biology. I have also learned how a project can be constructed. Moreover, experiencing the team work with such a lovely team was priceless. I think IGEM competition is worth to try even if you are not deeply interested with the field of synthetic biology. As I said above, there are too many things to do and much more things to learn.  </p>
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<p><strong>Güleycan Lütfullahoğlu:</strong> I am Güleycan Lutfullahoğlu. When we started this project, I was a second grade student, with a little knowledge, but now, I am starting third grade with much more experience. We, second grades, take part mostly in the human practice project, making videos, arranging meetings and making street interviews. It was a lot of fun to observe the reaction of people about synthetic biology. It was also a lot of experience for me to take part in the lab as an assistant as much as possible. It was so nice to contribute to the team this year and I am also looking forward to enjoying  the next year with much more knowledge.</p> </td>
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<p><strong>Güliz Otkıran:</strong> I am appreciated IGEM to provide us to contribute our vision,  keep alive our scientific attention and promote the science and give oppurtunity to explore the project source which grows year by year, however I found  the fees as restrictor to motive the youth to science. To introduce myself microbiology, immunology, human genome, evolution and neuroscience  are the topics that interest me more. Other than these, any kind of art, especially painting and drawing, comics, anime, heavy metal – not the element but music one – , far eastern cuisine and classical literature novels are enough to entertain me in my social life. Last, there is a quote I really like and want to share with you is “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” </p>
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<p><strong>Mahir Bozan:</strong> Hey iGEM, I am Mahir and studying my bachelor in field of Molecular Biology and Genetics at ITU. Additionally, I have also studied at Roskilde University in Molecular Biology program as an exchange student for last two semesters. It was pleasure for me to be head of Molecular Biology and Genetics Student Club in 2011-2012 academic year. In one of our club meeting, our one of the club member talked about iGEM and my huge interest to iGEM began from that moment. After a long way, finally, we are in iGEM and I am really glad to be part of this competition with such a good team. Molecular Biology is not only my interest, I have also curiosity to architecture, science of physics, film art, painting and also theater. I have lots of interests to say because I believe that knowledge is something endless and I should learn them as much as I can in my entire life.
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<p><strong>Mehmet Akdağ:</strong> I am Mehmet Akdağ. I’m a second year student at Molecular Biology and Genetics Department in ITU. This year I contributed generally the human practice part of our project and I also worked as lab assistant when I find a chance. Having limited lab experience forced me to become an iGEM member. I learn lots of lab techniques from our advisors and our senior students. I become familiar with synthetic biology which I really like and if I got a chance, I want to work on this field in future. Since it is the first iGEM team found in our university it was hard and stressful year for all of us but I really enjoyed being a member of our ITU iGEM Team.</p>
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<p><strong>Nazif Taşbaş:</strong> Hello there. I’m Nazif Tasbas. I’m currently studying at Istanbul Technical University Molecular Biology And Genetics Dept. On this year’s project, i mainly focused on human practice, events, social media etc. Mostly i tweet from our twitter account @ituigem. Generally I shoot photos and videos on human practice events with my mobile. I participated in wetlab whenever possible but generally watched to learn something. We don’t get enough experience on our lab courses and we have to improve it. This train of thought lead me to our university’s first iGEM Team. In future, i’m thinking of neurobiology as my primary tendency. You may think that synthetic biology has no resemblance with neurobiology but i love how synthetic biology works. I was amazed when i hear some projects from previous years like Stanford’s “Hell Cell” or Kyoto’s “Emerging The Titanic”. Thinking outside the box and applying these thoughts on real life world is amazing. As i said, synthetic biology is fun. Maybe one day, we can make synthetic neurological pathways, neuron cell networks or an entire brain. On that day, the resemblance will be unraveled.</p> </td>
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<p><strong>Sibel Karaman:</strong> Hi, I’m Sibel, my third year in department of Molecular Biology and Genetics in ITU and as my team mates, my first year in iGEM team. In our team, I take part in wet lab. In my opinion, it is important to learn the experimental fields in molecular biology. iGEM provides the opportunity to get experience in molecular biology. It is a good feeling that being part of a team and studying together, so, I learn as well as have fun in the laboratory. And finally, I think iGEM provides me a big opportunity to have sufficient experience on synthetic biology.</p>
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        <h1><span class="title">Who are we?</span></h1>
<p><strong>Istanbul Technical University iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition) Team </strong> is a volunteer competition group formed by mostly second and third year Molecular Biology and Genetics students in Istanbul Technical University.<strong> Our goal is </strong> to represent our university and country in a best way by attending to most prestigious “synthetic biology” competition called iGEM. This attempt will not be limited with only attending this year; it will be a start for showing our ambition and passion to be able to attend to next competitions. Synthetic Biology is a sub-branch of biology that aims to modify available organisms or create new complex biological structures for the benefit of humanity and approaches to biology with an engineering perspective; it is a branch of science that use the techniques from molecular biology and genetics. By this way, iGEM helps both students to be informed about this area and to contribute to science by prepared projects. This students-based competition has a long and devoted process that includes helps and probations of advisors who are instructors in the institute. In our university, Molecular Biology and Genetics department has three student laboratories and also there is a Molecular Biology-Biotechnology & Genetics Research Center (MOBGAM) founded by contributions of Dr. Orhan Öcalgiray and state. There are quite good equipped laboratories belonging to department instructors; likewise, various researches are carried out in different branches in this research center. By adapting molecular biology and genetics techniques into functional engineering area, biotechnological and nanobiotechnological researches are carried out in this center. This research center founded in 2004 provides unique opportunity for researching on both interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary areas by also effort of researchers in the center. As a candidate for future scientists, we would like to take first step to on this competition way by using these quite equipped laboratories and other opportunities provided by university. We would like to complete our deficiencies by your support and represent our university and country in a best way in this competition.</p>
<P><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="400" height="297" class="leftimg" border="0"/></a></p>
<h1><span class="title">What is IGEM?</span></h1>
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  iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is the competition that has been organized in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) by IGEM foundation since 2004 and welcomed predominantly undergraduate students.
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Revision as of 22:25, 2 October 2013



Who are we?

Istanbul Technical University iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition) Team is a volunteer competition group formed by mostly second and third year Molecular Biology and Genetics students in Istanbul Technical University. Our goal is to represent our university and country in a best way by attending to most prestigious “synthetic biology” competition called iGEM. This attempt will not be limited with only attending this year; it will be a start for showing our ambition and passion to be able to attend to next competitions. Synthetic Biology is a sub-branch of biology that aims to modify available organisms or create new complex biological structures for the benefit of humanity and approaches to biology with an engineering perspective; it is a branch of science that use the techniques from molecular biology and genetics. By this way, iGEM helps both students to be informed about this area and to contribute to science by prepared projects. This students-based competition has a long and devoted process that includes helps and probations of advisors who are instructors in the institute. In our university, Molecular Biology and Genetics department has three student laboratories and also there is a Molecular Biology-Biotechnology & Genetics Research Center (MOBGAM) founded by contributions of Dr. Orhan Öcalgiray and state. There are quite good equipped laboratories belonging to department instructors; likewise, various researches are carried out in different branches in this research center. By adapting molecular biology and genetics techniques into functional engineering area, biotechnological and nanobiotechnological researches are carried out in this center. This research center founded in 2004 provides unique opportunity for researching on both interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary areas by also effort of researchers in the center. As a candidate for future scientists, we would like to take first step to on this competition way by using these quite equipped laboratories and other opportunities provided by university. We would like to complete our deficiencies by your support and represent our university and country in a best way in this competition.

What is IGEM?

iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is the competition that has been organized in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) by IGEM foundation since 2004 and welcomed predominantly undergraduate students.



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