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- | <h1>iGEM Database</h1>
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- | <tr>
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- | <td width="350px" style="padding-right: 20px;">
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
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- | ex:expression=".team"
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- | ex:sortMode="count"
| |
- | ex:height="40em"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="iGEM Team"></div>
| |
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- | <g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone>
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- | </div>
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- | </div>
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- | </td>
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- | <td>
| |
- | <div ex:role="view"
| |
- | ex:orders=".label"
| |
- | ex:direction="ascending"
| |
- | ex:grouped="false"
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- | ex:showAll="false"
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- | ex:abbreviatedCount="10">
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- | <div ex:role="lens" >
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- | <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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- | <tr class="details">
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- | <td>
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- | <div class="title"><span ex:content=".label"></span></span></div>
| |
- | <div class="inclusion"><span class="property">Year:</span><span ex:content=".year"></span></div>
| |
- | <!--
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- | <div class="definition" ex:content=".description"></div>
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- | <!--
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- | <div class="property" ex:content=".region"></div>
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- | <div class="exclusion"><span class="property">URL:</span>
| |
- | <a ex:href-content=".url"><span ex:content=".url"></a></span></div>
| |
- | <div class="exclusion"><span class="property">
| |
- | Medal:</span> <span ex:content=".medal"></span>
| |
- | Regional Prizes: <span ex:content=".regionalprize"></span>
| |
- | Championship Prizes: <span ex:content=".championshipprize"></span>
| |
- | Free: <span ex:content=".free"></span> </div>
| |
- | <div class="identifier"><span class="property">Category:</span><span ex:content=".category"></span></div>
| |
- | </td>
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- | </tr>
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- | </table>
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- | <td width="200px" style="padding-left: 20px;">
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- | <b>Search</b><br />
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
| |
- | ex:facetClass="TextSearch"
| |
- | ex:expressions=".label, .description, .team, .contact" ></div>
| |
- | </br>
| |
- |
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
| |
- | ex:expression=".category"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="Category"
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- | ex:showMissing="false"
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- | ex:sortMode="count"
| |
- | ></div>
| |
- |
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
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- | ex:expression=".year"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="Year"
| |
- | ></div>
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
| |
- | ex:expression=".medal"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="Medals:"
| |
- | ></div>
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
| |
- | ex:expression=".regionalprize"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="Regional Prizes:"
| |
- | ></div>
| |
- | <div ex:role="facet"
| |
- | ex:expression=".championshipprize"
| |
- | ex:facetLabel="Championship Prizes:"
| |
- | ></div>
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- | </td>
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- | </tr>
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- | </table>
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- | </div>
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- | <div><table border=0 width=100%><tr valign=bottom><td align=left>This work is licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/"><img src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/3.0/80x15.png"></a> by Michal Galdzicki
| |
- | <br/>Derived from work at the <a href="http://biospot10.blogspot.mx/2011/09/bio-igem-history-database.html">Bio! iGEM History Database 2.0 Beta by Miguel Loera-Sanchez and Team UANL_Mty-Mexico</a></td>
| |
- | <td align=right>To correct an error edit: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvRcIbigV-eYdGNHMmxGVy13UkhpUi1Vck9zMmZRSUE#gid=0">iGEM Database</a> and then <a href="https://github.com/mgaldzic/igemsoft/issues">Submit an Issue</a><br/>Powered by: <a href="http://www.simile-widgets.org/wiki/Exhibit3">Exhibit 3.0 Scripted</a></td></tr></div>
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