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- | Penn iGEM placed first in the Americas East Regional Jamboree and advanced to the World Championships!
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- | <div class="info_heading">pDAWN ClYA construct</div>
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- | <div class="info_description">We have developed light-activated cell lysis using the YF1/FixJ Blue Light sensor and the ClyA protein.
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- | <div class="info_heading">Display of ANTi-her2 DARPin</div>
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- | Our team is the first to use the INPNC protein to display the DARPin Anti-HER2 binding protein on the surface of bacteria <br>
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- | With the help of our sponsors, the Penn iGEM Team is excited to compete for its second year! </p>
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- | <p style="text-align:center; font-size: 12px; font-weight:bold; font-color: white; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;">
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- | We have been working hard all summer and are proud of what we have accomplished.
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