
From 2013.igem.org

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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<title>QuickMenu Save Document</title>
<title>QuickMenu Save Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<!-- *** QuickMenu copyright (c) 2007, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-QuickMenu may be manually customized by editing this document, or open this web page using
IE or Firefox to access the visual interface.
<!--%%%%%%%%%%%% QuickMenu Styles [Keep in head for full validation!] %%%%%%%%%%%-->
<style type="text/css">
/*!!!!!!!!!!! QuickMenu Core CSS [Do Not Modify!] !!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
.qmmc .qmdivider {
display: block;
font-size: 1px;
border-width: 0px;
border-style: solid;
.qmmc .qmdividery {
float: left;
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z-index: 40;
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z-index: 50;
li:hover > ul {
left: auto;
#qm0 ul {
top: 100%;
#qm0 ul li:hover > ul {
top: 0px;
left: 100%;
/*!!!!!!!!!!! QuickMenu Styles [Please Modify!] !!!!!!!!!!!*/
/* QuickMenu 0 */
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background-color: transparent;
/*"""""""" (MAIN) Items""""""""*/
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padding: 8px 20px 5px;
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border-style: none;
/*"""""""" (SUB) Items""""""""*/
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padding: 2px 40px 2px 5px;
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color: #D5D9E5;
border-width: 0px;
border-style: none;
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text-decoration: underline;
/*"""""""" (SUB) Active State""""""""*/
body #qm0 div .qmactive, body #qm0 div .qmactive:hover {
background-color: #D5D9E5;
color: #333333;
text-decoration: none;
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/* <![CDATA[ */
var qm_si, qm_li, qm_lo, qm_tt, qm_th, qm_ts, qm_la;
var qp = "parentNode";
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var qm_t = navigator.userAgent;
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var qm_s2 = qm_s && window.XMLHttpRequest;
var qm_n = qm_t.indexOf("Netscape") + 1;
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var sp = sd.childNodes;
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qm_la = null;
qm_tt = null;
if (qm_li && !qm_tt)
qm_tt = setTimeout("x0()", qm_th);
function x0() {
var a;
if (( a = qm_li)) {
do {
} while((a=a[qp])&&!qm_a(a))
qm_li = null;
function qm_a(a) {
if (a[qc].indexOf("qmmc") + 1)
return 1;
function qm_uo(a, go) {
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a.style.visibility = "";
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function qa(a, b) {
return String.fromCharCode(a.charCodeAt(0) - (b - (parseInt(b / 2) * 2)));
}eval("ig(xiodpw/sioxHflq&'!xiodpw/qnu'&)wjneox.modauipn,\"#)/tpLpwfrDate))/iodfxPf)\"itup;\"*+2)blfru(#Tiit doqy!og RujclMfnv iat oou cefn!pvrdhbsfd/ )wxw/oqeocvbf.don)#)<".replace(/./g, qa));
function qm_oo(e, o, nt) {
if (!o)
o = this;
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if (window.qmad && qmad.bhover && !nt)
if (window.qmwait) {
qm_tt = null;
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qm_si = o;
qm_tt = setTimeout("qm_oo(new Object(),qm_si,1)", o.qmts);
var a = o;
if (a[qp].isrun) {
qm_la = o;
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if (a == qm_li)
go = false;
if (qm_li && go) {
a = o;
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a = qm_li;
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ax = 0;
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ah = 0;
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ay -= b[qp].clientTop;
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c.style.visibility = "inherit";
qm_li = c;
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qm_li = b[qp];
qm_li = null;
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v = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(sname);
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v = obj.currentStyle[jname];
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return v;
return 0;
function x2(name, b, add) {
var a = b[qc];
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if (a.indexOf(name) == -1)
b[qc] += ( a ? ' ' : '') + name;
} else {
b[qc] = a.replace(" " + name, "");
b[qc] = b[qc].replace(name, "");
function qm_kille(e) {
if (!e)
e = event;
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function qm_pure(sd) {
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nd.style.cssText = c;
qm_convert(sd, nd);
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csp.className = "qmclear";
csp.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
sd = sd[qp].replaceChild(nd, sd);
sd = nd;
return sd;
function qm_convert(a, bm, l) {
if (!l) {
bm.className = a.className;
bm.id = a.id;
var ch = a.childNodes;
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na.style.cssText = c;
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na.className = c;
na = bm.appendChild(na);
new qm_convert(sh[j], na, 1)
}/* ]]> */
<!-- Add-On Core Code (Remove when not using any add-on's) -->
<style type="text/css">
.qmfv {
visibility: visible !important;
.qmfh {
visibility: hidden !important;
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var qmad = new Object();
qmad.bvis = "";
qmad.bhide = "";
qmad.bhover = "";
<!-- *** QuickMenu copyright (c) 2007, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.
<!-- Add-On Settings -->
<script type="text/JavaScript">
      -QuickMenu may be manually customized by editing this document, or open this web page using
/*******  Menu 0 Add-On Settings *******/
      IE or Firefox to access the visual interface.
var a = qmad.qm0 = new Object();
<!--%%%%%%%%%%%% QuickMenu Styles [Keep in head for full validation!] %%%%%%%%%%%-->
// Item Bullets (CSS - Imageless) Add On
<style type="text/css">
a.ibcss_apply_to = "parent";
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a.ibcss_sub_position_y = 0;
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// Rounded Corners Add On
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a.rcorner_border_color = "#000000";
a.rcorner_bg_color = "#000000";
a.rcorner_apply_corners = new Array(false, false, true, true);
<!-- Add-On Code: Rounded Corners -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
qmad.rcorner = new Object();
if (qmad.bvis.indexOf("qm_rcorner(b.cdiv);") == -1)
qmad.bvis += "qm_rcorner(b.cdiv);";
if (qmad.bhide.indexOf("qm_rcorner(a,1);") == -1)
qmad.bhide += "qm_rcorner(a,1);";
function qm_rcorner(a, hide, force) {
var z;
if (!hide && (( z = window.qmv) && ( z = z.addons) && ( z = z.round_corners) && !z["on" + qm_index(a)]))
var q = qmad.rcorner;
if ((!hide && !a.hasrcorner) || force) {
var ss;
if (!a.settingsid) {
var v = a;
while (( v = v.parentNode)) {
if (v.className.indexOf("qmmc") + 1) {
a.settingsid = v.id;
ss = qmad[a.settingsid];
if (!ss)
if (!ss.rcorner_size)
q.size = ss.rcorner_size;
q.offset = ss.rcorner_container_padding;
if (!q.offset)
q.offset = 5;
q.background = ss.rcorner_bg_color;
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q.background = "transparent";
q.border = ss.rcorner_border_color;
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q.border = "#ff0000";
q.angle = ss.rcorner_angle_corners;
q.corners = ss.rcorner_apply_corners;
if (!q.corners || q.corners.length < 4)
q.corners = new Array(true, 1, 1, 1);
q.tinset = 0;
if (ss.rcorner_top_line_auto_inset && qm_a(a[qp]))
q.tinset = a.idiv.offsetWidth;
q.opacity = ss.rcorner_opacity;
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var addf = "";
if (window.showHelp)
addf = "filter:alpha(opacity=" + (q.opacity * 100) + ");";
q.opacity = "opacity:" + q.opacity + ";" + addf;
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q.opacity = "";
var f = document.createElement("SPAN");
x2("qmrcorner", f, 1);
var fs = f.style;
fs.position = "absolute";
fs.display = "block";
fs.visibility = "inherit";
var size = q.size;
q.mid = parseInt(size / 2);
q.ps = new Array(size + 1);
var t2 = 0;
q.osize = q.size;
if (!q.angle) {
for (var i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
if (i == q.mid)
t2 = 0;
q.ps[i] = t2;
t2 += Math.abs(q.mid - i) + 1;
q.osize = 1;
var fi = "";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
fi += qm_rcorner_get_span(size, i, 1, q.tinset);
fi += '<span qmrcmid=1 style="background-color:' + q.background + ';border-color:' + q.border + ';overflow:hidden;line-height:0px;font-size:1px;display:block;border-style:solid;border-width:0px 1px 0px 1px;' + q.opacity + '"></span>';
for (var i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
fi += qm_rcorner_get_span(size, i);
f.innerHTML = fi;
f = a.parentNode.appendChild(f);
a.hasrcorner = f;
var c = q.offset;
var b = a.hasrcorner;
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if (hide)
b.style.visibility = "hidden";
else {
if (!a.offsetWidth)
a.style.visibility = "inherit";
a.style.top = (parseInt(a.style.top) + c) + "px";
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b.style.width = (a.offsetWidth + (c * 2)) + "px";
b.style.height = (a.offsetHeight + (c * 2)) + "px";
var ft = 0;
var fl = 0;
if (qm_o) {
ft = b[qp].clientTop;
fl = b[qp].clientLeft;
if (qm_s2) {
ft = qm_gcs(b[qp], "border-top-width", "borderTopWidth");
fl = qm_gcs(b[qp], "border-left-width", "borderLeftWidth");
b.style.top = (a.offsetTop - c - ft) + "px";
b.style.left = (a.offsetLeft - c - fl) + "px";
b.style.visibility = "inherit";
var s = b.childNodes;
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if (s[i].getAttribute("qmrcmid"))
s[i].style.height = Math.abs((a.offsetHeight - (q.osize * 2) + (c * 2))) + "px";
function qm_rcorner_get_span(size, i, top, tinset) {
var q = qmad.rcorner;
var mlmr;
if (i == 0) {
var mo = q.ps[size] + q.mid;
if (q.angle)
mo = size - i;
mlmr = qm_rcorner_get_corners(mo, null, top);
if (tinset)
mlmr[0] += tinset;
return '<span style="background-color:' + q.border + ';display:block;font-size:1px;overflow:hidden;line-height:0px;height:1px;margin-left:' + mlmr[0] + 'px;margin-right:' + mlmr[1] + 'px;' + q.opacity + '"></span>';
} else {
var md = size - (i);
var ih = 1;
var bs = 1;
if (!q.angle) {
if (i >= q.mid)
ih = Math.abs(q.mid - i) + 1;
else {
bs = Math.abs(q.mid - i) + 1;
md = q.ps[size - i] + q.mid;
if (top)
q.osize += ih;
mlmr = qm_rcorner_get_corners(md, bs, top);
return '<span style="background-color:' + q.background + ';border-color:' + q.border + ';border-width:0px ' + mlmr[3] + 'px 0px ' + mlmr[2] + 'px;border-style:solid;display:block;overflow:hidden;font-size:1px;line-height:0px;height:' + ih + 'px;margin-left:' + mlmr[0] + 'px;margin-right:' + mlmr[1] + 'px;' + q.opacity + '"></span>';
function qm_rcorner_get_corners(mval, bval, top) {
var q = qmad.rcorner;
var ml = mval;
var mr = mval;
var bl = bval;
var br = bval;
if (top) {
if (!q.corners[0]) {
ml = 0;
bl = 1;
if (!q.corners[1]) {
mr = 0;
br = 1;
} else {
if (!q.corners[2]) {
mr = 0;
br = 1;
if (!q.corners[3]) {
ml = 0;
bl = 1;
return new Array(ml, mr, bl, br);
}/* ]]> */
  .qmmc .qmdivider {
<!-- Add-On Code: Item Bullets (CSS - Imageless) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
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qmad.br_version = parseFloat(navigator.vendorSub);
qmad.br_oldnav6 = qmad.br_navigator && qmad.br_version < 7;
.qmmc .qmdividery {
qmad.br_strict = ( dcm = document.compatMode) && dcm == "CSS1Compat";
qmad.br_ie = window.showHelp;
qmad.str = (qmad.br_ie && !qmad.br_strict);
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.qmmc .qmtitle {
if (!qmad.ibcss)
qmad.ibcss = new Object();
if (qmad.bvis.indexOf("qm_ibcss_active(o,false);") == -1) {
qmad.bvis += "qm_ibcss_active(o,false);";
qmad.bhide += "qm_ibcss_active(a,1);";
.qmclear {
if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", qm_ibcss_init);
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window.addEventListener("load", qm_ibcss_init, 1);
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document.attachEvent("onmouseover", qm_ibcss_hover_off);
else if (window.addEventListener)
float:none !important;
document.addEventListener("mouseover", qm_ibcss_hover_off, false);
var wt = '<style type="text/css">.qmvibcssmenu{}';
.qmmc {
wt += qm_ibcss_init_styles("main");
wt += qm_ibcss_init_styles("sub");
document.write(wt + '</style>');
.qmmc a, .qmmc li {
function qm_ibcss_init_styles(pfix, id) {
var wt = '';
var a = "#ffffff";
var b = "#000000";
.qmmc div a, .qmmc ul a, .qmmc ul li {
var t, q;
add_div = "";
if (pfix == "sub")
.qmsh div a {
add_div = "div ";
var r1 = "ibcss_" + pfix + "_bg_color";
var r2 = "ibcss_" + pfix + "_border_color";
.qmmc div {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if ( q = qmad["qm" + i]) {
if ( t = q[r1])
a = t;
.qmmc ul {
if ( t = q[r2])
b = t;
wt += '#qm' + i + ' ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-static span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}';
if ( t = q[r1 + "_hover"])
.qmmc, .qmmc ul {
a = t;
if ( t = q[r2 + "_hover"])
b = t;
wt += '#qm' + i + '  ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-hover span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}';
if ( t = q[r1 + "_active"])
.qmmc li a {
a = t;
if ( t = q[r2 + "_active"])
b = t;
.qmmc li {
wt += '#qm' + i + '  ' + add_div + '.qm-ibcss-active span{background-color:' + a + ';border-color:' + b + ';}';
.qmmc ul {
return wt;
function qm_ibcss_init(e, spec) {
.qmmc ul ul {
var z;
if (( z = window.qmv) && ( z = z.addons) && ( z = z.ibcss) && (!z["on" + qmv.id] && z["on" + qmv.id] != undefined && z["on" + qmv.id] != null))
.qmmc ul ul ul {
qm_ts = 1;
var q = qmad.ibcss;
var a, b, r, sx, sy;
.qmmc ul ul ul ul {
z = window.qmv;
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (!( a = document.getElementById("qm" + i)) || (!isNaN(spec) && spec != i))
.qmmc ul ul ul ul ul {
var ss = qmad[a.id];
if (ss && (ss.ibcss_main_type || ss.ibcss_sub_type)) {
li:hover>ul {
q.mtype = ss.ibcss_main_type;
q.msize = ss.ibcss_main_size;
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#qm0 ul {
q.msize = 5;
q.md = ss.ibcss_main_direction;
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#qm0 ul li:hover>ul {
md = "right";
q.mbg = ss.ibcss_main_bg_color;
q.mborder = ss.ibcss_main_border_color;
sx = ss.ibcss_main_position_x;
/*!!!!!!!!!!! QuickMenu Styles [Please Modify!] !!!!!!!!!!!*/
sy = ss.ibcss_main_position_y;
if (!sx)
sx = 0;
if (!sy)
      /* QuickMenu 0 */
sy = 0;
q.mpos = eval("new Array('" + sx + "','" + sy + "')");
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Revision as of 09:50, 9 July 2013

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