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(function( $, undefined ) {
* JMSlideshow object
$.JMSlideshow = function( options, element ) {
// the jms-slideshow
this.$el = $( element );
this._init( options );
$.JMSlideshow.defaults = {
// options for the jmpress plugin.
// you can add much more options here. Check
jmpressOpts : {
// set the viewport
viewPort : {
height : 400,
width : 1000,
maxScale: 1
fullscreen : false,
hash : { use : false },
mouse : { clickSelects : false },
keyboard : { use : false },
animation : { transitionDuration : '1s' }
// for this specific plugin we will have the following options:
// shows/hides navigation arrows
arrows : true,
// shows/hides navigation dots/pages
dots : true,
// each step's bgcolor transition speed
bgColorSpeed: '1s',
// slideshow on / off
autoplay : false,
// time between transitions for the slideshow
interval : 3500
$.JMSlideshow.prototype = {
_init : function( options ) {
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.JMSlideshow.defaults, options );
// each one of the slides
this.$slides = $('#jms-slideshow').children('div');
// total number of slides
this.slidesCount = this.$slides.length;
// step's bgcolor
this.colors = $.map( this.$slides, function( el, i ) { return $( el ).data( 'color' ); } ).join( ' ' );
// build the necessary structure to run jmpress
// initialize the jmpress plugin
// if support (function implemented in jmpress plugin)
if( ) {
// load some events
// if autoplay is true start the slideshow
if( this.options.autoplay ) {
// wraps all the slides in the jms-wrapper div;
// adds the navigation options ( arrows and dots ) if set to true
_layout : function() {
// adds a specific class to each one of the steps
this.$slides.each( function( i ) {
$(this).addClass( 'jmstep' + ( i + 1 ) );
} );
// wrap the slides. This wrapper will be the element on which we will call the jmpress plugin
this.$jmsWrapper = this.$slides.wrapAll( '<div class="jms-wrapper"/>' ).parent();
// transition speed for the wrapper bgcolor
this.$jmsWrapper.css( {
'-webkit-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed,
'-moz-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed,
'-ms-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed,
'-o-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed,
'transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed
} );
// add navigation arrows
if( this.options.arrows ) {
this.$arrows = $( '<nav class="jms-arrows"></nav>' );
if( this.slidesCount > 1 ) {
this.$arrowPrev = $( '<span class="jms-arrows-prev"/>' ).appendTo( this.$arrows );
this.$arrowNext = $( '<span class="jms-arrows-next"/>' ).appendTo( this.$arrows );
this.$el.append( this.$arrows )
// add navigation dots
if( this.options.dots ) {
this.$dots = $( '<nav class="jms-dots"></nav>' );
for( var i = this.slidesCount + 1; --i; ) {
this.$dots.append( ( i === this.slidesCount ) ? '<span class="jms-dots-current"/>' : '<span/>' );
if( this.options.jmpressOpts.start ) {
this.$start = this.$jmsWrapper.find( this.options.jmpressOpts.start ), idxSelected = 0;
( this.$start.length ) ? idxSelected = this.$start.index() : this.options.jmpressOpts.start = null;
this.$dots.children().removeClass( 'jms-dots-current' ).eq( idxSelected ).addClass( 'jms-dots-current' );
this.$el.append( this.$dots )
// initialize the jmpress plugin
_initImpress : function() {
var _self = this;
this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( this.options.jmpressOpts );
// check if supported (function from jmpress.js):
// it adds the class not-suported to the wrapper
 + = !this.$jmsWrapper.hasClass( 'not-supported' );
// if not supported remove unnecessary elements
if( ! ) {
if( this.$arrows ) {
if( this.$dots ) {
return false;
// redefine the jmpress setActive method
this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'setActive', function( slide, eventData ) {
// change the pagination dot active class
if( _self.options.dots ) {
// adds the current class to the current dot/page
.removeClass( 'jms-dots-current' )
.eq( slide.index() )
.addClass( 'jms-dots-current' );
// delete all current bg colors
this.removeClass( _self.colors );
// add bg color class
this.addClass( 'color' ) );
} );
// add step's bg color to the wrapper
this.$jmsWrapper.addClass( this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress('active').data( 'color' ) );
// start slideshow if autoplay is true
_startSlideshow : function() {
var _self = this;
this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {
_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'next' );
if( _self.options.autoplay ) {
}, this.options.interval );
// stops the slideshow
_stopSlideshow : function() {
if( this.options.autoplay ) {
clearTimeout( this.slideshow );
this.options.autoplay = false;
_loadEvents : function() {
var _self = this;
// navigation arrows
if( this.$arrowPrev && this.$arrowNext ) {
this.$arrowPrev.on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {
_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'prev' );
return false;
} );
this.$arrowNext.on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {
_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'next' );
return false;
} );
// navigation dots
if( this.$dots ) {
this.$dots.children().on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {
_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'goTo', '.jmstep' + ( $(this).index() + 1 ) );
return false;
} );
// the touchend event is already defined in the jmpress plugin.
// we just need to make sure the slideshow stops if the event is triggered
this.$jmsWrapper.on( 'touchend.jmslideshow', function() {
} );
var logError = function( message ) {
if ( this.console ) {
console.error( message );
$.fn.jmslideshow = function( options ) {
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
var args = arguments, 1 );
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'jmslideshow' );
if ( !instance ) {
logError( "cannot call methods on jmslideshow prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for jmslideshow instance" );
instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
else {
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'jmslideshow' );
if ( !instance ) {
$.data( this, 'jmslideshow', new $.JMSlideshow( options, this ) );
return this;
})( jQuery );

Revision as of 16:57, 8 August 2013

(function( $, undefined ) {

/* * JMSlideshow object */ $.JMSlideshow = function( options, element ) {

// the jms-slideshow this.$el = $( element );

this._init( options );


$.JMSlideshow.defaults = { // options for the jmpress plugin. // you can add much more options here. Check jmpressOpts : { // set the viewport viewPort : { height : 400, width : 1000, maxScale: 1 }, fullscreen : false, hash : { use : false }, mouse : { clickSelects : false }, keyboard : { use : false }, animation : { transitionDuration : '1s' } }, // for this specific plugin we will have the following options: // shows/hides navigation arrows arrows : true, // shows/hides navigation dots/pages dots : true, // each step's bgcolor transition speed bgColorSpeed: '1s', // slideshow on / off autoplay : false, // time between transitions for the slideshow interval : 3500


$.JMSlideshow.prototype = { _init : function( options ) {

this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.JMSlideshow.defaults, options );

// each one of the slides this.$slides = $('#jms-slideshow').children('div'); // total number of slides this.slidesCount = this.$slides.length; // step's bgcolor this.colors = $.map( this.$slides, function( el, i ) { return $( el ).data( 'color' ); } ).join( ' ' ); // build the necessary structure to run jmpress this._layout(); // initialize the jmpress plugin this._initImpress(); // if support (function implemented in jmpress plugin) if( ) {

// load some events this._loadEvents(); // if autoplay is true start the slideshow if( this.options.autoplay ) {




}, // wraps all the slides in the jms-wrapper div; // adds the navigation options ( arrows and dots ) if set to true _layout : function() {

// adds a specific class to each one of the steps this.$slides.each( function( i ) {

$(this).addClass( 'jmstep' + ( i + 1 ) );

} );

// wrap the slides. This wrapper will be the element on which we will call the jmpress plugin this.$jmsWrapper = this.$slides.wrapAll( '<div class="jms-wrapper"/>' ).parent();

// transition speed for the wrapper bgcolor this.$jmsWrapper.css( { '-webkit-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed, '-moz-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed, '-ms-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed, '-o-transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed, 'transition-duration' : this.options.bgColorSpeed } );

// add navigation arrows if( this.options.arrows ) {

this.$arrows = $( '<nav class="jms-arrows"></nav>' );

if( this.slidesCount > 1 ) {

this.$arrowPrev = $( '<span class="jms-arrows-prev"/>' ).appendTo( this.$arrows ); this.$arrowNext = $( '<span class="jms-arrows-next"/>' ).appendTo( this.$arrows );


this.$el.append( this.$arrows )


// add navigation dots if( this.options.dots ) {

this.$dots = $( '<nav class="jms-dots"></nav>' );

for( var i = this.slidesCount + 1; --i; ) {

this.$dots.append( ( i === this.slidesCount ) ? '<span class="jms-dots-current"/>' : '<span/>' );


if( this.options.jmpressOpts.start ) {

this.$start = this.$jmsWrapper.find( this.options.jmpressOpts.start ), idxSelected = 0;

( this.$start.length ) ? idxSelected = this.$start.index() : this.options.jmpressOpts.start = null;

this.$dots.children().removeClass( 'jms-dots-current' ).eq( idxSelected ).addClass( 'jms-dots-current' );


this.$el.append( this.$dots )


}, // initialize the jmpress plugin _initImpress : function() {

var _self = this;

this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( this.options.jmpressOpts ); // check if supported (function from jmpress.js): // it adds the class not-suported to the wrapper = !this.$jmsWrapper.hasClass( 'not-supported' );

// if not supported remove unnecessary elements if( ! ) {

if( this.$arrows ) {



if( this.$dots ) {



return false;


// redefine the jmpress setActive method this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'setActive', function( slide, eventData ) {

// change the pagination dot active class if( _self.options.dots ) {

// adds the current class to the current dot/page _self.$dots .children() .removeClass( 'jms-dots-current' ) .eq( slide.index() ) .addClass( 'jms-dots-current' );


// delete all current bg colors this.removeClass( _self.colors ); // add bg color class this.addClass( 'color' ) );

} );

// add step's bg color to the wrapper this.$jmsWrapper.addClass( this.$jmsWrapper.jmpress('active').data( 'color' ) );

}, // start slideshow if autoplay is true _startSlideshow : function() {

var _self = this;

this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {

_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'next' );

if( _self.options.autoplay ) {



}, this.options.interval );

}, // stops the slideshow _stopSlideshow : function() {

if( this.options.autoplay ) {

clearTimeout( this.slideshow ); this.options.autoplay = false;


}, _loadEvents : function() {

var _self = this;

// navigation arrows if( this.$arrowPrev && this.$arrowNext ) {

this.$arrowPrev.on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {


_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'prev' );

return false;

} );

this.$arrowNext.on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {


_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'next' );

return false;

} );


// navigation dots if( this.$dots ) {

this.$dots.children().on( 'click.jmslideshow', function( event ) {


_self.$jmsWrapper.jmpress( 'goTo', '.jmstep' + ( $(this).index() + 1 ) );

return false;

} );


// the touchend event is already defined in the jmpress plugin. // we just need to make sure the slideshow stops if the event is triggered this.$jmsWrapper.on( 'touchend.jmslideshow', function() {


} );

} };

var logError = function( message ) { if ( this.console ) { console.error( message ); } };

$.fn.jmslideshow = function( options ) {

if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {

var args = arguments, 1 );

this.each(function() {

var instance = $.data( this, 'jmslideshow' );

if ( !instance ) { logError( "cannot call methods on jmslideshow prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" ); return; }

if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) { logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for jmslideshow instance" ); return; }

instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );


} else {

this.each(function() {

var instance = $.data( this, 'jmslideshow' ); if ( !instance ) { $.data( this, 'jmslideshow', new $.JMSlideshow( options, this ) ); } });


return this;


})( jQuery );