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LinkUp - Multipurpose HTML Template

XMU-iGEM 2013



By constructing robust circuits in E.coli, we want to build a gene network capable of synchronizing genetic oscillations in multiple levels. Cells can be synchronized at the colony level via quorum sensing, and a gas-phase redox will be signaling (mainly H2O2) between colonies simultaneously. Two scales of coupling ensured extremely consistent oscillations.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are considered the main factor in synchronizing separate colonies, so organisms that can generate ROS will have an impact on our oscillation. By measuring different fluorescent signals (GFP is used as reporter), quantitative analysis of ROS in inflammation or malignant tissues is our ultimate aim. Quorum sensing can lead communication over tens of micrometers. However, coordination between colonies over millimeter scales is better at environmental sensitivity owing to its larger cell number, which made our devices a hypersensitive detector in heavy metals and pathogens.

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Suspendisse at libero eu magna pharetra tincidunt vel vel dui. Nunc leo nibh, suscipit vel venenatis vel, fermentum at cursus sed, suscipit id massa dapibus vitae neque.