

Revision as of 00:53, 25 June 2013 by N.Bhatt (Talk | contribs)

function loadHref() { if(document.location != "") { var href = document.location.href; var i = href.substring(href.indexOf("#")+1); document.getElementById('week' + i + 'entry').style.display = 'block'; if(i != 'A') { document.getElementById('weekAentry').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('weekA').className = ; } document.getElementById('week' + i ).className = 'active'; } var techb = document.getElementsByClassName('nb-onetech-i'); for(var i = techb.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { techb[i].onclick = function() { showTech(this); } var teche = techb[i].parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; if(teche.innerHTML == "" || teche.innerHTML.indexOf("{{{tech}}}") != -1){ techb[i].className = 'nb-onetech-disabled'; teche.className = 'nb-tech-disabled'; } } } function filter(that) { var ele = that.children[0]; var show = == 'none'; (show ? 'block' : 'none'); that.parentNode.children[1].className = (show ? 'nb-only' : 'nb-only-i'); all(); var list = document.getElementsByClassName('nb-' +; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].style.display = (show ? 'block' : 'none'); } } function onlyFilter(that) { var filt = that.parentNode; var row = filt.parentNode;

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var fullNames = [ "Rafael Lizarralde", "Inigo Montoya", "Vizzini", "Westley", "Fessik", "Count Rugen", "Prince Humperdink"];

var pics = [ "CornellProteinFoldingIsHard.gif", "Cornell-nb-wet-bc.png", "Cornell-nb-dry-sc.png", "Cornell-nb-wet-bc.png", "Cornell-nb-dry-sc.png", "Cornell-nb-wet-bc.png", "Cornell-nb-dry-sc.png"];

var desc = [ "I like pickled watermelons dipped in soy sauce. Also, I'm not as cool as Nupur.", "Hello there. Slow going?", "You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen.", "What hideous sin have you committed lately? ", "You be careful.", "Stop saying that!" , "She is alive, or was an hour ago."];

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