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Why Do Human Outreach?
The purpose of this event is to provide homeschool students the opportunity to work hand in hand with students and faculty at Wisconsin Lutheran College to give laboratory experience and work to detangle the controversy of synthetic biology. Our goal is to shed light on facts and possibilities of synthetic biology so that the students can decide for themselves where they stand on current scientific issues. The curriculum will go over an ethical basis for synthetic biology to frame our conversation. We then plan to explore the basics of biology, touching on subjects such as: different types of cells, central dogma of DNA, GMO (genetically modified organisms) in todays society, stem cells and genetic engineering. We feel that home-schooled students may not have the opportunities to experience technical biology first hand and this week long program would provide the environment to explore both basic and advanced principles in a laboratory environment. This camp will not only give opportunities for laboratory experience but will give insight to the growing field of synthetic Biology and the roll it plays in our society.