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Exeter iGEM 2013 · Paint by Coli


Our team has received generous funding from the University of Exeter's [ annual fund] and [ microbial biofuels group]

Exeter-annual-fund-logo.png Exeter-biofuels-logo.png 500px

We would also like to thank all of the academics, PhD students, visitors and staff members who have made this project possible. Their willingness to give us their time, their help and their valuable opinions have not only made this summer far easier, but has made the iGEM experience utterly memorable and enjoyable!

[ Dr. Nic Harmer]: Dr Nick Harmer was kind enough to give a lecture to aid our early thought processes. He also agreed to meet with us on various occasions to check our constructs and aid us with any queries we had.

[ Dr. Clive Butler]: Dr Clive Butler kindly gave a lecture on synthetic biology to aid our early thought processes. He also met with us regularly to discuss our ideas and offer advice.

[ Clio Andreae],

[ Victoria Baldwin]:

[ Dr. George Littlejohn]:

[ Professor Rob Beardmore]: Professor Beardmore gave a great lecture on modelling and helped with the modelling throughout the project to check everything was working correctly, give advice and answer any questions.

[ Dr. Tom Howard]: Dr Tom Howard kindly gave a lecture early on in our thought progression and brainstorming. Tom lead the 2012 iGEM team so gave insight into last years experience and offered his support whenever we had questions.

[ Gwen Batten]: Gwen is the laboratory manager, who supervised us in the labs and showed us how to undertake various lab protocols carefully and safely. She was our first port of call whenever we had lab based queries.

[ Professor C Peter Winlove]: Professor C Peter Winlove is a professor of Biophysics in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences. He met with several team members on multiple occasions to discuss the project in great detail. He highlighted certain areas that we needed to be wary of, but was generally very positive about our project. He offered a lot of guidance to the students involved in modelling our systems.

[ Dr. Helen Featherstone],

[ Dr. Nicola King],

Dr. Christine Sambles,

[ Dr. Matthew Baker]: Dr. Matthew Baker met with several team members to discuss the impact our project would have on the University of Exeter and the wider community. He gave us advice on how we should best present our ideas to the public.

[ Dr. Janet Cotter]:

Exeter iGEM 2013 · Paint by Coli