Team:Paris Saclay/Team


Revision as of 21:16, 21 July 2013 by Damip (Talk | contribs)

                       <a href="">

The Team

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                       <a href="">

The Team

<img src="P1340189.JPG" alt="" />


<script type="text/javascript">

   // apply regular slide universally unless .exclude class is applied
   // NOTE: The default options for each liveTile are being pulled from the 'data-' attributes
   $(".live-tile, .flip-list").not(".exclude").liveTile();


</body> </html>

The team

For the first time, a team has been created at the Université Paris-Sud in order to participate to the iGEM 2012 competition. This team is composed by students coming from a wide diversity of formations and levels. Biologists, chemists and computer scientists have worked together since the end of 2011 to create a durable Paris-Saclay team and to develop an ambitious and interesting project.


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