Team:UFMG Brazil/Team


Revision as of 18:29, 18 September 2013 by Fccoelho (Talk | contribs)

Clara Guerra Duarte

Clara is a postdoctoral fellow in the Immunochemistry laboratory at UFMG. She received her PhD in Biochemistry and Immunology from the UFMG in August of 2011. She has been the major adviser for UFMG's iGEM team this season. She's been primaraly involved in the project concept development and keeping the team motivated! :)

Júlio Leandro Martins

Júlio is a Computer Science student since 2011 at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil) and scholarship holder at Immunochemistry Lab. He has a passion by biochemistry and immunology, specially to study, develop and apply computing methods to cope with problems in these areas. Keep your food away from him or you will never see it again! =P

Marianna Kunrath Lima

Marianna is a master’s ­degree student in Biochemistry and Immunology at UFMG and her thesis is about DNA repair in Trypanosoma cruzi. She has great experience with molecular biology, which made her being a lab hero, sometimes literally chasing reagents and equipments to be used in CardBio’s experiments. Sometimes she is too down to earth, but the team remembers her that dreaming a little bit is good!

Carlos Alberto Xavier Gonçalves

Carlos is an undergraduate Biology student at UFMG, and also has some expertise with Computer Graphics. Because of that, he's been working both in the lab and behind the screen of his computer, aiding the team not only with his scientific knowledge and experience, but with his art skills as well. He plans on getting his degree this year, and already aims to follow up with a masters in Bioinformatics.

Fernando Carvalho da Silva Coelho

Fernando is a Bachelor in Computer Science and Master's degree Computer Science student at UFMG. An old fashioned programmer who uses a black and green terminal with Vim as his favorite text editor. He is passionate for Open Source software and the modern Web. His main skill is in Pythonic magic, for solving problems as quickly as possible.

Ítalo Faria do Valle

Ítalo is a Bachelor in Biological Sciences and is a masters degree student in Bioinformatics at UFMG. He is a big lover of molecular biology and a enthusiastic in using computational tools to understand biological phenomena. His main studies are about genomics and evolution of Trypanosoma cruzi, but the IGEM has awakened in him a big interest in synthetic biology and he is already thinking in follow his scientific career with this topic!

Raphael B. R. Jorge

Raphael is an undergraduate Biomedicine student at UFMG. Worked as undergraduate researcher in the lab of immunochemistry of protein being directed by Professor Liza Felicori. Turned to the field of synthetic biology, it was love at first sight. His desire is to follow this research field and, perhaps, become a teacher one day.

Alan Sales Barbosa

Bachelor in Science and education student in Biology at UFMG, he has experience with microbiology, immunology, cell biology and vascular physiology. Former vice president of the Junior Company of Biology - UFMG, is currently an undergraduate researcher in Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of Physiology and Biophysics from Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB - UFMG). Alan likes natural sciences in general, from the basic research to the applied, including cell therapy, synthetic and system biology as well as science popularization projects. So, on iGEM_UFMG team, he has been engaged mainly with human practices and the eternal seeking for funding and sponsoring, being not able to put hands dirty on the experimental trek as much as he wished.