

Revision as of 14:12, 23 September 2013 by Zigzag (Talk | contribs)


Take a gNAP before wearing your gloves! Genetic Network Analyze and Predict
The sketch and final GUI of gNAP!
We compare the result of our software with gene expression profile in literature.
We are USTC-Software!


1 Start
2 Monitor
3 Display
4 Result


Genetic Network Analyze and Predict (gNAP) is a software which can model and analyze the change of new GRN constructing after exogenous gene’s import. What’s more, gNAP’s inverse prediction based on overall GRN gives some advise to experimenters before choosing the imported gene meeting their purpose.


gNAP’s source code as well as GUI has been written in C++ language and and visualization parts are written in Java language. All of them can be compiled across platforms.
There are four major parts of gNAP called Start, Monitor, Result and Display.


In order to simulate the GRN’s working and analyze the changing after exogenous gene imported, some advanced algorithms and classical methods are employed in the software. These algorithms and methods include Binary Tree method, Needle-Wunsch Algorithm, Decision Tree method, Hill Equation and PSO Algorithm.

Human Practice

This year, our human practice were held in our campus. We would like to say “hi” for iGEM to every teacher and student in USTC and also bring their “ Hello ” to iGEM.What’s more, We hope that there would be more people who are interested in synthetic biology and programming joining in iGEM through our human practice.
