- Learned how to make competent cells, growing up two strains for tomorrow
- Transformed 8 plasmids
- Determined EL222 fusion is risky but still going ahead with it
- Linkers are totally setlled
- Found zinc finger plasmid and updated target sequence
- Learned how to make tetr- mcherry fusion
- Settled on 5 promoters
- Learned how to make competent cells, testing them and then making more tomorrow
- Transformed 8 plasmids again
- Made primers to clone the TET-GFP reporter system, the mCherry promoter strength system, ready to order
- Made ultramers for variable promoter blocks (and no target neg controls) – ready to order
- Spilled a lot of iced tea outside, bummer
- Started primers for dna binding machines
- Got a handle on cas9 fusions (pun intended).
- Put awesome pics in dropbox
- Clean up dropbox
- Update budget sheet with addgene and cell center orders
- Finish primers for fusion
- Set up plate reader for GFP and mCherry assays
- run minipreps on pdawn, pdawn-mcherry, pet26b
- Grow up mCherry stock
- Wrote Penn iGEM on our plasmid
- Transform
- C0012 –amp/chlor (do both)
- M11307 – amp/chlor (do both)
- I13458 – amp/chlor (do both)
- R0010 – amp/chlor (do both)
- R0051 – amp
- K206000 –chlor
- Start the LIMS and file all the strains and DNA we have made/ ordered
- Miniprep Addgene stuff + transformations that worked
- Growing up low copy plasmids in 40mLs
- I9002
- I13458
- C0051
- Pdawn-mcherry
- Pdawn
- Dhsa mcherry
- Pdawn dhsa
- Psb1a3
- JM mcherry
- Pet26b