Team:ITU MOBGAM Turkey/labdiary


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Laboratory Diary


The vector, Pgex, transformed to the competent cells which have been already prepared and transformed cells were incubated into an agar plate that contains ampicillin for overnight.


Primers were diluted and stocked. The pcr reaction whose total volume was 25µl was prepared for GIF gene for 3 hours. Selected colonies from the agar plate were incubated into 5ml of an LB medium for overnight.


The pcr results were loaded wells of agarose gel and electrophoresis were started. The results were observed that were not clean because of that decided to make gel extraction. The plasmid isolation protocol was applied for cells which had incubated in LB medium and rate of OD was measured by nano-drop machine. The cleavage reaction was prepared for GIF gene and Pgex plasmids using enzymes, BamHI and XhoI.

This reaction occurred at 370C for 4 hours and then at 650C for 15 minutes.


Cleavage results were observed after the electrophoresis but there was no band for plasmids. Because of that, to isolation cell incubation was repeated. The multiplied GIF gene was not enough for the new cleavage reaction, so the PCR reaction was repeated.


The pcr results were observed on the gel and gel extract procedure was applied. Plasmids were isolated but the gel results showed that there was no plasmid and so that the incubation was repeated.


Plasmids were isolated but there was a few plasmids observed that was not enough OD value for cleavage reaction. The incubation of the cells was repeated.


Plasmids were isolated from the cells and the cleavage reaction was prepared for plasmid and GIF gene.


The cleavage products observed on the agarose gel and gel extraction was applied. Ligation reaction was prepared for Gıf gene and Pgex vector using T4 DNA ligase enzyme at 4oC for overnight.


The agarose gel electrophoresis procedure was applied for ligation products and they were incubated into agar plate that contained AMP.


There was only one colony on the plate and that colony was incubated into 5ml of LB growth that contained AMP.


It was observed that there was no growth in the LB medium. There were not enough PCR product and isolated plasmid for reactions because of that the PCR reaction was repeated for GIF gene and incubation of cells to isolation of Pgex vector was repeated.


Plasmid isolation was done. Isolated plasmids were uploaded into the agarose gel to observ. They had very high concentration so diluted with EB buffer. PCR products also observed by using electrophoresis and then gel extraction was applied.


Eccording to the OD value of plasmids, cleavage reaction was prepared for isolated plasmids and GIF gene that was prolifered by pcr protocol. Cleavage reaction: 1.rxn 2.rxn 3.rxn DNA 0.8 0.8 0.8 XhoI 1.2 1.2 - BamHI 1.2 - 1.2 Buffer B 5 5 5 BSA 0.5 0.5 0.5 Water 41.30 42.50 42.50 Reaction occurs at 37oC for 3 hours and then 65oC for 15 minutes. Cleavage results were observed on agarose gel and gel extraction was applied for double digestions.


Ligation reaction was prepared to ligate Pgex vector and GIF gene as an insert. Ligation reaction: Rxn1 Rxn2 Rxn3 DNA 0.46 0.33 0.2 GIF 2 2.8 4.6 T4 ligase 0.6 0.6 0.6 Buffer 2 2 2 Water 14.94 14.27 12.6 Incubated at 4oC for overnight.


Ligation results were uploaded into the agarose gel and observed. Extraction was done for results and they transferred to the E. coli. After transforrmation the cells were inocukated on to the agar plate that contained ampicillin.


The products of transformation did not grow because of that ligation reactions were repeated.


Ligation products were transformed to the bacteria and they were incubated on to the agar plate contained ampicillin.


It was observed that colonies were on the plate. To control the products are true or not, one colony was selected and incubated into LB medium and agar plate.


Plasmids were isolated from the E.coli cells. The dounle and single cleavage reactions were prepared.


Results of cleavage reaction were uploaded into the agarose gel. It was observed that reaction did not occur and the cleavage reaction was repeated.


The products of reaction were observed after the gel electrophoresis. The observation results showed that cleavage reaction was occured and also the plasmid contained GIF gene.


The cells that contained pgex with gif gene were incubated in LB medium.

24.09.13, 25.09.13

Single colony was selected from the agar plate and it was incubated into 25ml of LB medium.


Incubated cells were transferred to 250ml of LB medium and OD value was measured and then IPTG was added. After 3 hours, the cells were precipitated.


The binding buffer and elution buffer were prepared.


DH5α template was isolated from E.coli by Anatolia Geneworks isolation kit.


PCR of nhaA promoter region at different annealing temperatures (550-620C) by using of nhaA_fwd and nhaA_rvs primers.


Screening of PCR products with %1 Agrose Gel Electrophoresis. The best amplification was observed at 590C annealing temperature. Based on the agarose gel results, nhaA prometer region was amplified with 590C annealing temperature.


The promoter region was clonned and transformated to DH5α E.coli strain.


Single colonies obtained


Plasmid DNA was obtained from single colonies and was digested by EcoRI and SpeI


The enzyme digestion results were screened with %1 Agrose Gel Electrophoresis. The insert was not onserved on Agarose gel.


Enzyme digestion was set up again.


The enzyme digestion results were again screened , but this time it was studied with %3 Agrose Gel Electrophoresis. Unfortunately, No insert was observed.


PCR was performed again from DH5α template with nhaA promoter region primers.


Chloramphenicol vectors were extracted from Agarose Gel. PCR product (nhaA promoter region) was ligated to Chloramphenicol vector.


Transformation of ligation products were conducted.


Control of ligation. Store at +4.


3 colonies of ligation were selected and inoculated for overnight at 37 oC. However, we forgat to add antibiotic into our inoculated medium.


5 tubes plasmid isolation were conducted.


Enzyme digestion was performed by using of (EcoRI+PseI), (XbaI+PseI), EcoRI, PseI and XbaI enzymes.


The results of enzyme digestion was controlled with %1 Agrose Gel Electrophoresis.


3 colonies of ligation products were selected and inoculated for plasmid isolation. At that time, we did not forget to add antibiotic :)


On the first day, parts that were used as weak constitutive promoter (18 G) and ribosome binding site (1I) were chosen. Also, these two parts were transformed to Escherichia coli and they were incubated overnight at 37 °C. In addition kanamycin plate was used for constitutive promoter and chloramphenicol plate was used for ribosome binding site part.


Colonies were observed and single colony was chosen and inoculated in 5 mL LB medium to incubate overnight at 37 °C.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated and plasmid concentrations were measured by nanodrop. Then, isopropanol precipitation was made in order to increase plasmid concentration. After this process, restriction reactions were set up for these two parts and ampicillin backbone. Plasmids that had 18 G were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI; also, plasmids that had 1I were restricted with XbaI and PtsI restriction enzymes. In addition ampicillin backbone was restricted with EcoRI and PtsI. Restriction conditions were 37 °C for 4 hours. At the end of the restriction reactions, they were incubated at 65 °C for 15 minutes in order to fix the enzymes. Finally, ligation reaction was set up in order to ligate promoter, ribosome binding site and ampicillin backbone. Also, it was incubated overnight at 4 °C.


Colonies were observed and single colony was chosen in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated and plasmid concentrations were measured by nanodrop. Restriction reaction was set up again with EcoRI and PtsI at 37 °C for 4 hours. Then, products of restriction reaction and uncut plasmid (18G+ 1I with ampicillin backbone) were loaded into agarose gel. The gel was visualized and the sizes of the bands were compared with marker. Unfortunately, sizes of the bands were not correlated with our ligation product length.


Our new gene fragment MazF was mixed with 20 µl distilled water. Also, ligation reactions were set up in order to ligate them into the cloning vector. Then, ligation products were transformed to E. coli. Moreover, terminator part (4F) was transformed and all of them were inoculated in agar plate.


Colonies were observed and single colony was chosen from MazF and 4F plate in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated and plasmid concentrations were measured by nanodrop. According to measurements restriction reaction was set up. Plasmids that had MazF were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI, plasmids that had terminator were restricted with XbaI and PtsI restriction enzymes. Also, kanamycin backbone was restricted with EcoRI and PtsI enzymes. Finally, ligation reaction was set up in order to ligate MazF, terminator and kanamycin backbone. Also, it was incubated overnight at 4 °C.


Other new gene fragments MazE, pLsrA and PTS p0 were mixed with 20 µl distilled water. Also, ligation reactions were set up in order to ligate them into the cloning vector. Then, ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were incubated in ampicillin agar plate overnight at 37 °C.


Colonies were observed and single colony was chosen in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C. In addition, red fluorescent protein (12N), 18 G and 1I were transformed again and inoculated in agar plate.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated and plasmid concentrations were measured by nanodrop. According to measurements restriction reaction was set up. Plasmids that had all new gene fragments (MazE, MazF, pLsrA and PTS p0) were restricted with EcoRI and PtsI at 37 °C for 4 hours. After that process they were ligated with chloramphenicol backbone for 3 hours at 22 °C. Then, ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were incubated in chloramphenicol agar plate overnight at 37 °C. Furthermore, colonies were observed in 12 N and 1I plates. Single colony was chosen in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated and plasmid concentrations were measured by nanodrop. According to measurements restriction reactions were set up. Plasmids that had 12 N were restricted with EcoRI and PtsI; plasmids that had 1I were restricted with XbaI and PtsI restriction enzymes. Then, 12 N was ligated with kanamycin backbone. Also, colonies were observed in agar plates that had ligation products of MazE, MazF, pLsrA and PTS p0 and single colonies were chosen in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C.


From overnight bacterial culture, MazE, MazF, pLsrA and PTS p0 with chloramphenicol backbone plasmids were isolated and they were stored at -20 °C. Then, MazF and 4F plasmids that were obtained from cloning vector and they have ampicillin resistance were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI. Then, MazF was ligated with terminator (4F) and kanamycin backbone; also, PTS p0 was ligated with RBS (1I) and kanamycin backbone. Moreover, ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were inoculated in agar plate overnight.


Colonies were observed plate and single colony was chosen in order to inoculate LB medium. Moreover, it was incubated overnight at 37 °C. In addition, 18 G was transformed to E. coli again and inoculated in agar plate.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated. Colonies were not observed in 18 G agar plate. Transformation of 18 G was made and it was inoculated in agar plates that had different antibiotics ampicillin, kanamycin and chloramphenicol.


Single colony was taken form 18 G plate and incubated at LB medium overnight. Restriction reaction was set up for plasmids, which had 12 N, with EcoRI and SpeI enzymes. Then, products were ligated with terminator (4F) that was restricted with XbaI and PtsI before. Also, plasmids that had MazE were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI enzymes. Then, products were also ligated with terminator (4F) overnight at 4 °C.


Ligation products were transformed to bacteria and they were inoculated in agar medium overnight. Unfortunately, there was no proliferation in LB medium. Transformation of 18 G part was not achieved.


Colonies were observed and single colonies were taken in order to inoculate in LB medium. They were incubated overnight.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated. Then, plasmids that had PTS p0 and 1I were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI enzymes. Also, plasmids that had MazE and 4F were restricted with XbaI and PtsI I enzymes. Moreover, plasmids that had 12N and 4F were restricted with XbaI and PtsI I enzymes. By using products of these reactions, two ligation reactions were set up at 4 °C overnight. PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with MazE and 4F (terminator) gene parts with chloramphenicol backbone. Also, PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with 12N (RFP) and 4F (terminator) gene parts in chloramphenicol backbone.


Ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were inoculated in agar plate overnight.


Transformations of ligation products were not achieved. Thus, ligation reactions were set up again. PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with MazE and 4F (terminator) gene parts with chloramphenicol backbone. Also, PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with 12N (RFP) and 4F (terminator) gene parts in chloramphenicol backbone.


Ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were inoculated in agar plate overnight.


Transformations of ligation products were not achieved. In order to isolate PTS p0 (promoter), 1I (RBS), MazE, 12 N (RFP) and 4F (terminator), cells were inoculated in LB medium overnight.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated. High concentration of PTS p0 (promoter), 1I (RBS), MazE and 4F (terminator) plasmids were obtained. Then, restriction reactions were set up again. Plasmids that contained PTS p0, MazE and 12 N (RFP) were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI enzymes. Also, 1I (RBS) and 4F (terminator) were restricted with XbaI and PseI I enzymes. Then, MazE was ligated with terminator (4F) and ampicillin backbone; also, PTS p0 was ligated with RBS (1I) and kanamycin backbone. Moreover, 12 N (RFP) was ligated with 4 F and ampicillin backbone.


Ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were inoculated in agar plate overnight.


Colonies were observed and single colonies were taken in order to inoculate in LB medium. They were incubated overnight.


From overnight bacterial culture, plasmids were isolated. Plasmids that had PTS p0 and RBS (1I), plasmids that had 12 N (RFP) and terminator (4F); and also, plasmids that had MazE and and terminator (4F) were obtained. Ligation reactions were set up again. PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with MazE and 4F (terminator) gene parts with chloramphenicol backbone. Also, PTS p0 (promoter) and 1I (RBS) gene parts were ligated with 12N (RFP) and 4F (terminator) gene parts in chloramphenicol backbone.


Ligation products were transformed to E. coli and they were inoculated in agar plate overnight.


Colonies were observed and single colonies were taken in order to inoculate in LB medium. They were incubated overnight.



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