Team:Virginia/Team Overview


Revision as of 22:32, 26 October 2013 by Emcmillen (Talk | contribs)

VGEM Welcomes You!

Composed of twelve undergraduates and one graduate student, the Virginia iGEM Team incorporates biologists, bioethicists, and biomedical, chemical, & mechanical engineers. The team is especially young with 6 second year, 3 third year, and 3 fourth year undergraduates. We are an accomplished group of students, including one United States Presidential Scholar, two National Merit Scholars, one Coca-Cola Scholar, one Jefferson Scholar, one Rodman Scholar, three Echols Scholars, one College Science Scholar, and two Eagle Scouts. In addition, there's a rumor that we even know how to have fun. When not furiously working in the lab, researching journal articles, or programming our wiki, the 2013 Virginia iGEM Team can often be found playing basketball, buying out the local farmer’s market, or taking sunrise hikes on the numerous mountains surrounding Charlottesville.
