Team:UCSF/About Us1
UCSF is a graduate institution - so where do UCSF iGEM team members come from?
Biotechnology Program at Abraham Lincoln High School (ALHS)
The ALHS Biotechnology Program is a two year pathway developed by George Cachianes and co-taught by Julie Reis: Lincoln High Biotech Webpage
This year, five members of the UCSF iGEM team were chosen from students who have completed this two-year class. Read more about David, Derrick, Eric, Sherry and Felicity at the team members page!
Through funding from QB3 and the Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, we have established an exchange program with Peking University. For the past few years, we have welcomed an undergraduate student from PKU to join our team and vice versa. This summer, we had a student from the 2011 PKU iGEM team, JI Weiyue, join us for three months to work with as a part of our team. We also had a former UCSF iGEM member, Helena Viets, travel to Peking University and join the PKU iGEM team.
This year we had two students from our 2012 team join us for a second year. Kendall Kearns and Verna Huang both attended ALHS and just finished their freshman year at UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara, respectively.
Ian Ergui joined us this summer as part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program (EXROP). This program seeks to link students from disadvantaged backgrounds and students from groups that are underrepresented in the sciences to HHMI investigators from across the country. Students are given the opportunity to conduct research and live at an institution other than their home institution in order to experience science in a new academic setting. Peking University and UCSF iGEM Exchange
Returning Team Members
UC Berkeley Cal Teach Program
Priyanka Dadlani is a member of the Cal Teach program at UC Berkeley and joined us for 10 weeks this summer and worked on computational models to provide predictions that would guide our experimental strategy. To read more about Calteach, visit the Cal Teach Webpage