Team:DTU-Denmark/Notebook/17 July 2013


Revision as of 11:53, 18 July 2013 by Biotacg (Talk | contribs)



Main purpose

  • Miniprep

Who was in the lab

Gosia, Henrike


- miniprep of RFP in pZA21 and cycAX in pZA21

- gel of yesterday's PCR (to get AMO with USER endings) -> got the fragment

- purified AMO for USER from gel

- PCR to add His-tags to construct 1 (Sec-GFP-RFP) and construct 2 (TAT-GFP-RFP)

- gel on today's PCR -> construct 1 had no product, construct 2 has an unkown product with length 900 bp

- gel of colony PCR to check the inserts of last USER cloning -> empty, but the colonies that should have RFP are coloured red and one colony with supposed cycAX is coloured orange