

Revision as of 00:55, 29 October 2013 by Lihanrun (Talk | contribs)



Below are requirements and our achievements.

Bronze Medal requirement

Requirement Achievement
1.Register the team, have a great summer, and have fun attending the Jamboree. We really enjoyed the whole summer of learning, coding, debating and laghing. You can also see our about us page of wiki.
2.Create and share a description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki. Thank you for watching our wiki now!
3.Present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree. Believe us, we will do it!
4.Develop and make available via The Registry of Software Toolsan open source software tool that supports synthetic biology based on-BioBrick standard biological parts (remember, the iGEM judges will be looking for substantial team-based software projects). our software is open source and all the code has already upload to github, you may clone it by GitHub~. allright it is also based on standard biobricks. check it out in our software!

Silver Medal requirement

To earn a Silver Medal, in addition to the Bronze Medal requirements, a team must :

Requirement Achievement
1a. Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool See future part of this wiki.
1b. Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project.
Our main primary software project is Circuit+, an genetic circuit database and registry.
As well, we have put Circuit List, which is Clotho verion of Circuit+.
Also we developed the Synthetic Biology Laboratory Manager, for the management of synthetic biology lab, such as our wet team
2.Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki. This tutorial should explain all the features of the tool as well as provide sample input and output as appropriate. See tutorial part of this wiki.

Glod Medal requirement

To earn a Gold Medal, in addition to the Silver Medal requirements, a team must:

Requirement Achievement
1. Have another team utilized the software developed by your team. You must clearly show how your software was used and the results that were obtained? We have SUSTC-Shenzhen-A used LGD diagraming their own circuits. see moreTeam A.
Tsinghua-I wants to have a teamwork with us after using mindmap. We will keep on doing this project next year and make our effort to generate mindmap 2.0 for better UE.
see feedback for more information.
2a. Outline and detail how your software effects Human Practices in Synthetic Biology. Such topics include: safety, security, ethics, or ownership, sharing, and innovation. One of the key points of Circuit+ is to promote sharing gene circuits. And using Mindmap, we can popularize synthetic biology from specialists to average people by asking them thinking of crazy ideas and put them on Mindmap. Meanwhile, using Mindmap to present circuits is one kind of innovation.
2b. In place of requirement two, a team may instead use SBOL in your software documentation.
Circuit+ supports importing and exporting data in form of SBOL.
3a. Develop and document a new technical standard that supports one of the following: 1. design of BioBrick Parts or Devices; 2. construction of BioBrick Parts or Devices; 3. characterization of BioBrick Parts or Devices; 4. the analysis, modeling, and simulation of BioBrick Parts or Devices; 5. the sharing of BioBrick Parts or Devices, either via physical DNA or as information via the internet. We have two technical standards to define gene circuits and logical gene gate.
3b. Build upon existing software from a previous iGEM competition found on the The Registry of Software Tools
This year we put TTEC into Clotho. TTEC is last year’s project of SUSTC-Shenzhen-B, and we made it available in the Clotho platform.