

Revision as of 03:28, 5 October 2013 by Kcrk (Talk | contribs)



Dr Mark Clements, Department of Molecular and Applied Biosciences. Supervisor.

Louise Usher: PhD student in molecular biology. Role: Lab Supervisor, research and helped with sponsorship.

Silvia Berciano: Research

Armaghan Azizi: Helped with the training in the lab.


Mantis: Sponsored £175 as well as supplying the bed bugs.

UCL: Modelling, helped with the Synthetic Biology speed debate.

Frank Sargeant: Supplied the chitanase gene from the bacteria Serratia marcescens.

Team Member Roles:

Tom Bridge: Research, Lab work, Public Relations, Obtaining sponsorship.

Hira Khan: Research, Public Relations, Managing Log Book

Chris Kortschak: Created the wiki, lab work.

Mohit Santi: Research, Lab work, Modelling

Caroline Smith: Research, Managing social network (Twitter)

Krunal Polra: Creating the parts, lab work, obtaining sponsorship.

Aishwarya Saxena: Research on the background of bed bugs.

Zeljka Kalinic: Public Relations, Human Practice, lab work.

Yusuf Demir: Research

Many thanks to our Sponsors

by Westminster iGEM 2013