Team:Paris Bettencourt/Notebook/TB-ception/Wednesday 4th September.html
ASDFThursday 1st August
The killing assay for M. smegamtis, with more time points. Now we can also follow the number of E. coli because it has RFP. In 20 mL of LB we added 100 µL of the M. smegmatis liquid culture (O.D. = 1.2) and 100 µL of the E. coli liquid culture (O.D. = 1) so we get 1:1 ratio. We measured the O.D. and the CFU for time 0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 h. To do the CFU for E. coli we plate the dilution on LBA + Kan + Amp, and for M. smegmatis we plate on LBA + 30 µL.