Team:SCU China/Team


Revision as of 18:08, 11 September 2013 by Zhangbingbio (Talk | contribs)


Description of our team

We are the 2013-iGEM team of the Sichuan University,Chengdu City. Most of us from the College of Life Sciences, one of the earliest departments founded in Sichuan University with a history of more than 80 years. This year, we work on imitations of sex differentiation, gametogenesis & sexual reproduction with E.coli.


Our Advisor Our Team Members Human Practice

Our Advisor

Nianhui Zhang This is my second year as an advisor of our iGEM team. I enjoy this new educational model that learning and sharing different skills outside the undergraduate curriculum. Hope everyone enjoys working as a member of a team. Go, SCU-China!

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Our Team Members

Tong Xu I'm a junior student majoring in life science in SCU, and it's my second year in iGEM. As the team leader of 2013-SCU-iGEM, I hope that everyone of us will enjoy the summer, the competition and the game.

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Enjoy every moment in exploring a working project, share our idea, improve the ability of solving problems and learn to deal with failure. Mengping Jiang

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Hanling Guo As a team member of SCU-China, I enioy working on the program! I’d like to know new friends around the world, and I hope everyone could enjoy iGEM as I do.

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I like teamwork and brainstorm , I am waiting for a fantastic day shared with my friends. Nan Wang

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Zheng Xu I enjoy working with the IGEM group. I`m keen on challenging myself and learning to handle the problems more accurately, creatively and efficiently. Never say die !

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Hi! I’m 3rd year undergraduate student in preclinical medicine. Although, I have previous experience in labs, iGEM is a new and exciting place where I really feel the freedom of doing experiment. Xinyue Zhang

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Dan Zhu Enjoying the happy and tired life in this summer,I try my best to challenge myself and enrich myself . I realize that not every effort there is a harvest, but each time the harvest must be hard .So even I am a slow walker ,but I never walk back .

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I am a sophomore student in Sichuan university. I enjoy the exchanges and cooperation with others .As a member of iGEM team, I have confidence for our team and ideas , and I hope we can achieve good results. Meng Zhang

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Bing Zhang I enjoy time spent with friends and work together as a team to realize our dreams. This journey started without an end.

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Here, we share every idea occur to us. I want my life filled up with work and I enjoy stay with our group, which gives us all a sense of belonging. Li Rong
Shachuan Feng' So glad to join iGEM, the interesting and thriving family. I've had so much fun and learned so much there, and I'll absolutely learn more and have much more fun there. Some words to myself and my iGEM friends: Just enjoy our time together and go for our goals!

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Human Practice