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Home - iGEM Bordeaux 2013

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Marie Beurton-Aimar

Studies : Associate professor (University of bordeaux 2) in Bioinformatics.

Cécile Quéré

Age : 25
Studies : M2 in Genetics ; currently PhD student
Motivation : The idea to spend the summer with young and motivated people working over our own idea was really exciting. I hope to learn a lot from this experience and have fun !
Music : metal, heavy metal and death metal.
Quotation : “ Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes ” Oscar Wilde

Jonathan Millet

Age : 26
Studies : Master student in Genetics
Motivation : Imagining, creating
Music : Rock, Blues
Quotation : “ Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth ” Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth

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Denis Dupuy

Age : 38
Studies : PhD in Genetics and molecular biology Bordeaux 2001, Postdoc in functional genomics Harvard Medical School (2002-2007)
Motivation : Bring students to appreciate the potential of modern biological research
Music : electro-swing
Quotation : “ You should aim higher with your fantasies ” Lem, Veridian Dynamics

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