North America/Pre-Jamboree


Revision as of 05:55, 25 September 2013 by Lhansengillis (Talk | contribs)

Practise Rooms

All rooms are in hart House and fitted with projector and screen. Please bring you own laptop as these will not be provided.


Coming Soon!

Laser Graffiti

Coming Soon!

NASA Workshop

From Extremophiles to Star Trek, The Role of Synthetic Biology in NASA's Mission

Dr. Lynn Rothschild, NASA Ames Research Center

The time has come to for NASA to exploit synthetic biology in pursuit of its missions, including aeronautics, earth science, astrobiology and most notably, human exploration. Conversely, NASA advances the fundamental technology of synthetic biology as no one else can because of its unique expertise in the origin of life and life in extreme environments, including the potential for alternate life forms. This enables unique, creative “game changing” advances. NASA’s requirement for minimizing upmass in flight will also drive the field toward miniaturization and automation. These drivers will greatly increase the utility of synthetic biology solutions for military, health in remote areas and commercial purposes. To this end, we have begun a program at NASA to explore the use of synthetic biology in NASA’s missions, particular space exploration.

Location:East Common Room, Hart House

Time TBA.