

Revision as of 02:14, 26 September 2013 by Bkaptur (Talk | contribs)



Laboratory Information Management Systems

What's LIMS and Why Use It?
LIMS stands for Laboratory Information Management System. It's a way of managing data involved in working in a lab. While the definition of LIMS has expanded recently to include assay management, data mining, and a lot of other complicated features available in expensive commercial programs, one core, indispensable feature is sample management. A key feature of a good lab information system is that it will tell you where you put your tube after you've long forgotten.

How to Copy and Edit Penn iGEM’s Google Doc LIMS Forms:
1. Sign into Google using your Gmail account.
2. Open one of our forms that you wish to copy using the links on our website.
3. Here you will be able to view our spreadsheet, but not able to edit it.
4. To make a copy for yourself, go to “File” -> “Make a Copy.”
5. Enter the document name you wish to use.
6. You now have a copy of our form and spreadsheet for your own use.
7. To edit the form, go to “Form” -> “Edit Form.”
8. From here, you have the option to change any of the data entry options on our form. For instructions on editing specifics, consult Google’s help documentation under “Help” -> “Forms Help.”
9. After you have adjusted the form to your liking, add entries to the spreadsheet by going to “Form” -> “Go to Live Form.”
10. Note: While you may edit the spreadsheet directly, using the form can streamline data entry by using radio buttons and checkboxes that you have pre-set. Additionally, it adds consistency and makes finding data later much easier.