Q2: b. What is the URL or IP address where the user's private data is stored? Where is the physical computer or hard drive that contains the user's private data?
User's private data is stored on user's own PC or server.Q2: c. Please describe any encryption, password protection, etc. that you use to protect the user's data. (It is not mandatory to have such protections, but if you do, describe them.)
User's password is encrypted by Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5).Q3: Does your software include any other security features? Please describe them here.
The users are required to log in before using the software, and their designs are stored in their own account. We use a cryptographic algorithm to encrypt the user name and password when it is thansfered between the client and server. What's more, we create a different session key each time before the user login, which can resist the replay attack.Q4: Does your software let the user create a design by choosing parts/genes from a list/database, such as the Registry? If so, which lists/databases are included? Is there any restriction on which parts/genes the user can choose?
Yes, our software let the users create a design by choosing parts/gene from the Registry. We didn't set restriction on which parts the user can choose, as the parts in the Registry is believed safe.Q5: Does your software allow users to write new data into any public lists or databases? If so, do you check the new data for errors before allowing it to be written?
No, our software doesn't allow users to write new data into public lists or database.Q6: Does your software include any other features that encourage the user to create safe designs? Please describe them here.
We set some reminders in the software, which encourage the user to create safe designs.Q7: Is your team also doing biological work in a wet lab?
If so, you need to complete the iGEM Biosafety form on