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(2010年iGEMJapanは、遺伝子組み換え及び遺伝子工学についてのイメージ調査を行い) In 2010, iGEMJapan carried out an attitude survey on genetically modifying and genetically engineering and we concluded that ”It seems that people only have abstract and unclear image to this 'professional' technique. Genetic engineering is not still so common in Japan. And many people worry about safety. So engineers are desired to develop safety of biotechnology and spread knowledge about biotechnology.” (という結論を得た。その結果を踏まえ)Considering this conclusion, we carried out activities as below.
Poster session at the school festival
Our University has a school festival called NF every year. This is one of the biggest events in our university and many people from all around Japan visit it.
This year, iGEM Kyoto presented our project to these visitors by poster session, and this was actually broadcasted by a popular Japanese TV news program. Through this TV program, we were able to spread our activity to the general public. Moreover, many high school students studying to enter our university saw our projects, and there are even new members in iGEM Kyoto who knew iGEM through this news program.

The 4th international symposium on liberal arts and general education
The 4th international symposium on liberal arts and general education is a large scale symposium where many Kyoto and other university students and public people visit. Therefore, is a good opportunity to spread synthetic biology to many people.
We presented our iGEMs’ project here, and received the ainshutain prize.

International Student Seminar
iGEM Kyoto participated in ISS, short for International Student Seminar. This seminar was an official academic meeting, and the presenters and listeners were all graduate students and scholars except for our team. In this seminar, we presented our project in English. This was a good opportunity to get used to poster sessions, and through questions and discussions, we were able to find out what we need to do as our future works.


しかし、そういった活動を行ったが知識の差だけではなくほかにも要因があるのではないかという疑念が出てきた. We carried out these activities, however, we thought whether そこで、私たちはほかの要因を探るべくアンケート調査を行った。


アンケートは選択肢形式にし、質問の初めに性別、出身国、年齢、宗教、職業を応えてもらい、それぞれの要素が回答にどのように影響してくるのかを調べた。また、外国人へのアンケートは、現地で実際に取ったほか、京都に来ている観光客からも集めた。(どこでやったか書く) アンケートは以下のものを使用した。

Q1 Have you ever thought about experiments using living things?
1 Yes 2 No

Q2 Do you think these experiments using living-creatures are permissible? Please give X as many as you think it is permissible.
1 check 2 no check
Q2.1 Subjects are killed in the experiment, but it can save people in disease.
Q2.2 Subjects can be killed in the experiment, but it can save people in disease.
Q2.3 Subjects are not killed in the experiment but they never go back in nature. However, it can save people in disease.
Q2.4 Subjects are only observed in nature and it can save people in disease.
Q2.5 Subjects are killed in the experiment, but it can improve our life.
Q2.6 Subjects can be killed in the experiment, but it can improve our life.
Q2.7 Subjects are not killed in the experiment but they never go back in nature. However, it can improve our life.
Q2.8 Subjects are only observed in nature and it can improve our life.
Q2.9 Subjects are killed in the experiment, but it can advance science.
Q2.10 Subjects can be killed in the experiment, but it can advance science.
Q2.11 Subjects are not killed in the experiment but they never go back in nature. However, it can advance science.
Q2.12 Subjects are only observed in nature and it can advance science.

Q3 How much do you know about genetically modifying (GM) technology?
1 I know well. 2 I know only its name. 3 I do not know at all.
Q4 Do you think modifying creature’s gene is ethically permissible or not?
1 Yes, we can modify every creatures’ gene. 2 Partly yes, some can be but others are not. 3 No, any living things’ gene cannot be modified.

Q5 Who answered ‘partly yes’ to the fifth question, please answer this question. Which of these creatures’ gene can be modified? Please give X as many as you think it is permissible.
1 check 2 no check
Q5.1 Bacteria  Q5.2 wheat Q5.3 honeybee Q5.4 killifish  Q5.5 frog Q5.6 chickens  Q5.7 mouse Q5.8 dog Q5.9 monkey Q5.10 human beings

ここからother works

Video conference with four iGEM teams
We had a video conference with Purdue, Manchester, and NTU. This was held by Purdue, and they suggested making a web-based template system to submit and present genetic part characterization data for the parts registry. Some members from our team participated in this conference, and discussed about the topic. Through this, we helped the Purdue teams’ human practice.

Cooperation with NTU-Taiwan
We cooperated with NTU-Taiwan which we came to know each other through the video conference held by Purdue. Since then, we were taking contact with each other. NTU-Taiwan is a new team for this year, and we sent our parts to them and they helped us characterize our parts. We believe this overseas cooperation with a new iGEM team was a great achievement.

Cooperation with a new iGEM team in Japan
iGEM Biwako Nagahama is a new iGEM team of Japan. A new iGEM team has difficulty in collecting money, safety, and human practice.Since this is the first year for iGEM Biwako Nagahama to participate in the iGEM jamboree, we helped them out by teaching about this activity, and gave a hand to writing their wiki page.

Questionnaire about recognition and understanding of the life ethics
We carried out a survey and asked some questionnaire concerning biology to 435 people. We gathered some interesting data and considered the result. After our consideration, we visited OOO, a to discuss the result.

Meeting with other iGEM teams of Japan
This summer, we had a meeting with other iGEM teams of Japan. This meeting was held in Tokyo Metropolitan University, and seven teams from the Japanese iGEM teams participated. In this meeting, each team presented their project and had some discussion in order to exchange ideas with each other for a further investigation.This meeting was a good opportunity to actually present our project and ask for advice.