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Team:Tokyo-NoKoGen -

Our Safety Form

Q.Do the biological materials used in your lab work pose any of the following risks?

a. Risks to the safety and health of team members or others working in the lab?

No, the biological materials used in our lab work do not pose any risks to the safety and health of lab members. We perform all experiments fully equipped with safety glasses, lab coat and gloves. We do not treat any toxic chemicals or subbstances. All experiments are performed in safety level 2 room.

b. Risks to the safety and health of the general public, if released by design or by accident?

No, the biological materials used in our lab work do not pose any risks to the safety and health of lab members. The only species we use is Escherichia coli, all of which are classified as risk group 1. They do not harm human health, and will not survive long outside the laboratory.

c. Risks to the environment, if released by design or by accident?

No, the biological materials used in our lab work do not pose any risks to the environment. Escherichia coli that we handle will not survive long out side the laboratory.

d. Risks to security through malicious misuse by individuals, groups, or countriest?

Our BioBrick part cannot be directly used for malicious misuse, because our aim for this year's project is to create a light oscillator, which only uses naturally existing proteins such as GFP and luciferase.