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Assay Protocols

Cell density
Principle: OD 600 is used as a surrogate for number of cells.
       •Plate reader
       •96-well plate with clear bottom
       1. Measure OD 600 for the entire plate of cultures in the micrometer plate reader.

Principle: Measure cell density in culture below surface, aggregated cells will have sunk to the bottom of the well.
       •Plate reader
       •96-well plate with clear bottom
       1. Remove 150 μL of culture volume from overnight culture plates.
       2. Place it into the empty microtiter well, at the edge of the plate. To prevent bubble formation, make sure to stop pipetting at the first stop.
       3. Measure OD 600

Crystal violet
Principle: Crystal violet binds to polysaccharides of the biofilm matrix. By measuring the binding to adhering biofilm, the amount of biofilm produced can be quantified. A stock solution of crystal violet is incubated with the culture, the supernatant is removed, bound crystal violet is mobilized with an ethanol/acetone solution and the absorption is determined.
       •Crystal Violet stock solution: To make 1L, add 0.3 g of crystal violet to a bottle and fill to 1L with double distilled water. Stir well. Store at room temperature till usage.
       •1400μl double distilled water
       •350 μL 80:20 ethanol: acetone stock solution
       •96-well plate with clear bottom
       1. Wash wells of overnight culture by removing well contents and pipetting in 350μl of double distilled water.
       2. Reaspirate immediately by touching pipette to the side of the plate.
       3. Add 350 μL of CV stock solution to well.
       4. Incubate for 30 min. at room temperature.
       5. Aspirate all of the liquid.
       6. Repeat 350μl double distilled water wash 3 times. Make sure to empty the well completely on the last wash.
       7. Add 350 μL of ethanol/acetone.
       8. Incubate for 15 min. while gently shaking.
       9. Transfer the entire amount to an empty well on the microtiter plate.
       10.Measure absorbance at 600 nm.

Principle:Fimbriae bind mannose. Yeast cells display mannose molecules on their cell surface and can be induced to visibly clump together with E. coli cells that express functional fimbriae under the specific culture conditions.
       • Mortar and pestle
       • Prepare the stock solution (yeast slurry) fresh on the day of measurement:
       Add half a teaspoon of Fleischmann's yeast granules.
       Using a mortar, ground the yeast to powder form. Add every 500mg of yeast powder in 5ml of 10% PBS.
       • 96-well plate with clear bottom
       1. Add 60 μL of the yeast slurry with 300 μL of overnight culture into well.
       2. Mix briefly by aspiration.
       3. Score agglutination after 5 minutes on a scale of "–" to "+++", based on (Citation: Nishiyama M., Vetsch M., Puorger C., Jelesarov I., Glockshuber R. 2003. Identification and characterization of the chaperone-subunit complex-binding domain from the type 1 pilus assembly platform FimD. J. Mol. Biol. 330, 513–525. )

Principle:To measure the number of adherent cells by washing microtiter wells and determining remaining cells through increase of ethidium bromide fluorescence.
       • EtBr stock solution: 225μl of (0.5 g/L ethidium bromide in water), 75mg of NaN3, and 15mL of 1X TBE. Store in cool and dark place till usage.
       • 1:1000 dilution of Sigma Antifoam A
       • 96-well plate with clear bottom
       1. Aspirate overnight culture volumes from wells.
       2. Add 100 μl of EtBr stock solution.
       3. Measure fluorescence with λex 510 nm / λem 595 nm.