What is fold-change detection?
Many synthetic gene networks are susceptible to cellular noise, as they rely upon the absolute levels of gene regulators which can vary greatly between individual cells. To address this, uOttawa has engineered a network in S. cerevisiae that is responsive to fold-changes as opposed to absolute changes in stimulus. This allows the network to maintain sensitivity despite noise, and also permits response to stimuli in a much larger dynamic range. By modifying the promoter driving the stimulus, the network can be engineered to detect fold-changes of any molecule with a responsive promoter, thereby serving as a structural chassis for the next generation of molecule detectors.
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How can we improve the process of designing genes?
Efficient tools for synthetic biology are often expensive. This year, we developed a web-based application that intelligently queries the iGEM registry and allows you to construct genes from available parts. This application, called "bricklayer", will also automatically suggest assembly methods, construct primers, and calculate chemical properties of desired DNA.
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Can we promote science and synthetic biology among schoolchildren?
Our Human Practices team wrote, illustrated, and published a children's book following the adventures of Mr. Cool, a hilariously klutzy scientist who, with the help of his yeast colonies and some clever genetic engineering, can solve all kinds of problems on the microscopic scale.
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