

Revision as of 00:35, 28 September 2013 by Tkalkus (Talk | contribs)


Communication is ubiquitous, and necessary, in life as we know it. We are using cellular and molecular messaging of ranging magnitudes to improve the broadcast and reception of information. On the atomic level, our BioWires project has created silver-incorporating DNA strands to use as nanowires, which could improve the cost and effectiveness of electronic products. Our CRISPR project worked on a system for passing DNA regulatory messages between cells, in effect creating transmissible vaccines. We also built a sucrose biosensor in B. subtilis that will be launched on the EuCROPIS satellite into low-Earth orbit. Finally, our De-Extinction project extrapolated proteins from the past to better understand early life on Earth.

We are the Stanford-Brown iGEM team, and we're connecting life on Earth to help us prepare for life beyond it.

Atomic Communication

Temporal Communication

Cellular Communication

Inter-Species Communication