Gel Electrophoresis Protocol
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Gel Electrophoresis Protocol
- Get a agarose gel from the refrigerator and place in apparatus, making sure it is completely covered in TAE buffer.
- Calculate the amount of purified plasmid that needs to be added to each lane.
- The goal is to add ~100ng of DNA to each well.
- The typical ladders used are 1k bp from NEB (only 2uL is used)
- In a PCR tube mix:
- desired amount (100ng) of DNA
- 2uL of 6x dye
- 2 uL of Buffer2
- 3 uL of water
- 0.5 uL of each restriction enzyme
- Load 8uL into each lane on the gel. Run the gel for 30min at default settings
- Look at the gel under blue lamp and take a picture
- Discard the gel and clean up