Team:Imperial College/BioPlastic Recycling: PHB
Module 2: Plastic Fantastic
Plastic Fantastic is a complete P(3HB) bioplastic recycling platform, where P(3HB) is degraded into monomeric form and then re-polymerised back into de novo P(3HB) for future applications.
Testing & results
Future work

We are developing a system by which PHB can be recycled when products made from it come to the end of their life. In in order to do this, we have engineered E.coli to break down P3HB extracellularly to release the monomers of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-HB). E.coli in a different bioreactor will then use the 3-HB as their carbon source for the reproduction of P3HB. We have thoroughly characterised the phaZ1 PHB depolimerase enzyme and demonstrated that it degrades PHB in various experiments. Our models predict that use of the enzyme on a bioreactor scale will be effective in degrading bioplastic on an industrial or local scale. For the adjustment of the PHB synthesis pathway, we designed a metabolic pathway where a permease will take up 3HB and the bdh2 dehydrogenase enzyme will convert it to acetoacetate, which can be then used for PHB synthesis.
We are also establishing a second bioplastic recycling platform for polylactic acid (PLA)
This aspect of our module is in collaboration with the Yale iGEM team
Degradation of P(3HB)
Our bacteria should be resist any toxic effects that are associated with P(3HB) or 3HB
Our bacteria should degrade (P3HB)
Synthesis of P(3HB)
Our bacteria should take up and internalise 3HB from the surrounding media
Our bacteria should be able to utilise P(3HB) as a sole carbon source
In order to ensure efficient expression in our Chassis, we ordered E.coli codon optimized versions of our proetin coding genes.
Degradation of P(3HB)
We are using E.coli chasis and we made sure to test for relevant toxicity issues, please see our data. PHB and 3HB are not toxic to the cells under conditions relevant to our bioreactor design.
[ BBa_K1149010]: Extracellular expression of phaZ1, PHB depolymerase enzyme. It is regulated by a strong xylose the inducible promoter [ BBa_I741018] and we are using the RBS 0034. For extracellular secretion, we fused pelB secretion tag [ BBa_J32015] to the N terminus of the protein.
Synthesis of P(3HB) from 3HB
3HB Permease:We designed a biobrick for the expression of a Putative permease identified from the literature [] for 3HB inport. We optimised the sequence for E.coli and planned experiments with the construct. However, the gene synthesis was delayed and we did not get to the stage of characterizing and submitting the part.
[ BBa_K1149050]: Intracellular expression of bdh2, 3HB dehydrogenase enzyme . We have used a strong arabinose inducible promoter [ BBa_K206000] in front of the operon for controlled expression of the enzyme since the enzyme is only necessairy for the cell if 3HB is present. We have included superfolder GFP [ BBa_K515005] in operon with phaZ1 so that we can monitor gene expression from the promoter via fluorescence measurements. (see our corresponding data under results)
Bacteria strains
We used E. coli K-12 strains MG1655, NEB 10 beta, NEB 5 alpha and TOP10 (similar to E. coli K-12 DH 10 beta that fall under Risk Group 1 for the experiments, but eventually only MG1655 strain will be used in the bioreactors. This strain is shown rarely survives outside labs, although minor symptoms may show if infected. Meanwhile, the parts we designed are specialised for degrading PUR and they are not expected to harm human health.
Chemical reagents
Some of the reagents we used were slightly toxic to human. In order to reduce the risks of using toxic reagents, we always wear gloves and labcoats. For some toxic reagents, we performed in fume cupboard. Click on the reagents to see the MSDS.
1. [ Poly(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid].
2. [®ion=GB Proteinase K].
3. [ Sodium 3-hydroxybutyrate].
4. [ Arabinose].
5. [ Acetoacetate].
Bioreactor safety
We have come up with a few strategies to prevent release of our bacteria into the environment. Firstly, the bioreactor containing bacteria will have a kill switch that kills bacteria if the bioreactor is opened when operating. Secondly, we lyse the cells at the end of reactions to harvest our product. This also ensures living bacteria will not be released unexpectedly.
Our bugs can grow. Oh joy.
Enzyme activity of PHB depolymerase (phaz1)
It can be seen from the Western Blot results that phaz1 [ BBa_K1149010] was being expressed. To show that this enzyme has esterase activity, colourimetric assays were performed using the substrate analog para-Nitrophenyl butyrate. When the ester bond in this substrate is cleaved, 4-Nitrophenol is released. This is accompanied by an increase in absorbance at the wavelength 405 nm and a colour change from colourless to yellow. The concentration of 4-Nitrophenol produced could then be calculated with the Beer-Lambert Law, as the extinction coefficient of 4-NP at 405 nm is 18,000 M-1 cm-1. This experiment was performed with both the crude cell lysate and purified PHB depolymerase. Our data shows that this enzyme is definitely active.

Cell lysate assay
After 48 hours of growing and inducing the phaz1 culture, the cells were lysed by probe-sonication, spun down and resuspended in 50mM Tris-HCl buffer. A reaction mixture containing 5 µL of crude phaz1 lysate, 4 µL of para-Nitrophenyl butyrate and 1 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4 buffer was incubated in the [ Eppendorf BioSpectrometer] for 570 seconds, whilst the absorbance at 405 nm was automatically recorded every 30 seconds.
The above graph shows that greater esterase activity occurs when the phaz1 cell lysate is in the reaction mixture. The graph shows that there is also esterase activity occuring in the Empty Vector and Substrate alone reaction mixtures, but this is due to the imidazole present in the Tris-HCl buffer, which acts as a general base catalysis. [ (6)]
Purified enzyme assay
Since the phaz1 [ BBa_K1149010] construct contains a His tag, the protein could be purified by [ metal affinity chromatography.] The colourimetric assay was carried out, as with the cell lysate. 100 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.4) buffer was used instead of the Tris-HCl buffer, to eliminate the esterase activity caused by imidazole in the buffer used previously. Every 30 seconds for 30 minutes the absorbance at 405 nm of the reaction mixture was recorded. The reaction mixture contained 1 ml of phosphate buffer, 2.5 µL of purified PHB depolyermase (stock concentration 0.230 mg/ml) and para-Nitrophenyl butyrate to make final concentrations of 50 µM, 100 µM, 150 µM, 200 µM and 250 µM of substrate.
The above graph shows how the concentration of 4-Nitrophenol produced is greater when the para-Nitrophenyl butyrate substrate concentration is greater. This data shows that we have successfully purified active PHB depolyermase.
We can degrade the PHB made by our own bacteria
In the below experiments we show that:
The phaZ1 PHB depolimerase enzyme that we expressed and purified from E.coli is functional.
The white and grey "stuff" that we purified in various experiments is Poly-Hydroxy-Butyrate bioplastc.
The grey sample was purified from waste, therefore we made PHB bioplastic from waste.
We can close the loop and degrade our own bioplastic.
The plastic samples were incubated with phaZ1 enzyme overnight and the 3HB was detected from the samples using a 3HB colorimetric assay kit. Please see the protocol and the data for details.
The amount of 3HB monomers freed from the polymer is more in case of PhZ1 treated samples. There is less 3HB produced from the samples that were purified from bacteria than from the pure polymer. This could be because I put less amount in the assay, which I did because there was less available. I put about a 0.1g of grey and white and 0.5 grams of pure PHB.
We do expect to see some background 3HB in the untreated sample since it was in the shaking incubator at 37°C in the Buffer solution. PHB is a bioplastic and degrades spontaneously as well as enzymatically. However, the spontaneous degradation occurs slowly. We have made the process significantly more efficient and we are working on models to predict if this would be industrially scalable.
It is possible to work out how much PHB can be broken down by 1 gram of phaZ1 in an hour:
amount of 3HB monomers freed from polymer in average: 153.8 mM in 800uL
molecular weight of 3HB: 126.09
amount of phaZ1 enzyme: 0.230 mg/ml, I used 10 uL per reaction
time was overnight for about 15 hours.
Proteinase K is a hydrolytic enzyme and active
Proteinase K is expressed in MG1655 cells transformed with BBa_K1149008
Proteinase K degrades PLA cup
Below come all the fabulous SEM images we shall hopefully have: improves growth on 3HB
We have previously observed that MG1655 cells can survive in minimal media that contains 3HB as sole carbon source. This is evidence for that some uptake mechanism and a metabolic pathway is active at a low level in the cells. We hypothesised that the 3HB dehydrogenase could improve growth since it can convert 3HB into acetoacetate, a common metabolite in E.coli.
In order to test this, we run a growth experiment with various 3HB concentrations where the growth of cells containing bdh2 (BBa_K1149050) and Empty vector was recorded on a 96 well plate. We have calculated the growth rates from this data and plot it on the graph below. can conclude that there is a significant increase in growth rate of bdh2 containing cells at 10 000 uM 3HB. (stats!) This suggests that bdh2 is able to function as expected and produces acetoacetate which is used by the cell`s central metabolic pathways for growth.
At lower 100 or at higher 100 000 uM, we did not observe difference in growth. This could be be because the rate limiting step at low concentrations could be the uptake of 3HB rather than it`s conversion to acetoacetate. We hope that we could observe an increase in growth if we added the putative permease we designed to the system. At higher level, there is a drop in growth rates in both bdh2 and control cells, probably because of toxicity issues.
Our project used several potentially harmful chemicals. Ensure you know the risks involved with chemicals you use by checking the full material safety data sheet(MSDS)
Papers Referenced
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- Kim S, Dale BE. Energy and Greenhouse Gas Profiles of Polyhydroxybutyrates Derived from Corn Grain: A Life Cycle Perspective. Environ Sci Technol 2008 OCT 15;42(20):7690-7695.
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- Thomas C. Bruice , Thomas H. Fife , John J. Bruno , Patricia. BenkovicHydroxyl Group (V)1 and Imidazole (X)2 Catalysis. The General Base Catalysis of Ester Hydrolysis by Imidazole and the Influence of a Neighboring Hydroxyl Group. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1962, 84 (15), pp 3012–3018